Human Rights Advocates Australia


Human Rights Advocates Australia are an advocacy service who are passionate about advocating on behalf of Australians, who have had their human rights impinged upon. We wish we could say we are living in a country where anyone with a disability or protected attribute was not discriminated against ever...but unfortunately it's just not the case. Instead of getting better as time goes on, it seems to be getting worse. As you know, the pandemic has highlighted the importance of the preservation of our human rights more than ever before in Australia's history. Human Rights Advocates are an advocacy service, who are committed to helping your side be heard when dealing with organisations who have infringed upon your human rights. Slowly but surely, we see more and more of our human rights being taken away. It's so insidious, a lot of people don't even realise it's happening. Our team cares deeply about human rights and have a vested interest in fighting for those who feel as though they need help in standing up to organisations discriminating against them. We are with you in this fight! Divided we are weak. Together we are strong. � HRA Team Join us on Telegram: & subscribe to our mailing list to make sure you never miss any of our news in case our Facebook page is suddenly closed down.

"Now it is High Time to Awake out of Sleep" Roman's 13:11


"And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts." Romans 13:11-14 Each one of us is mandated by Jesus Christ Himself to "WATCH". In every instance where the reader of the New Testament is told to watch, it is ALWAYS in the context of the final days. In Mark 13:33-37 He says: "...what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch" In Revelation 3:2-3: "...If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee" Other passages: Matthew 16:2-3; Luke 12:56-57; Hebrews 5:13-14 Of course being watchful assumes you are one who "thinks critically for yourself" and, one who "Is willing to question EVERYTHING" Other channel I have are:

Jenny Logan, CFP® Verified


I’m Jenny Logan, Certified Financial Planner™, rural living evangelist, aspiring homesteader, and business owner. I make videos about traveling the road to financial freedom, self-sufficiency, and a life of purpose and meaning. What you will find on this channel: 1. Straightforward strategies that, with a little discipline, anyone can implement to work towards financial success. 2. A glimpse into my life as a wife and active community and church member in a rural village on Lake Ontario. 3. Honest guidance about how to approach the stock market during the ups and downs. -- Chisholm Financial, Inc. is a Registered Investment Advisor All content is not to be received as advice and each individual should consult with their dedicated financial planner, tax preparer, estate attorney, etc. before making any financial decisions.

The Fight Against Human Trafficking


Raising awareness to take on the biggest atrocity of our generation; #humantrafficking. Bringing the discussion of human trafficking into the light! By educating ourselves on the issue of modern slavery and equipping ourselves with real-world insights, we can respond appropriately, keep our loved ones safe, and make a real difference. We'll tell the real story of modern slavery, expose predators, and enable ourselves to be safer and stronger in this fight. Motivational Speaker, Sabrina Stratford, enjoyed a 25-year career as Global Business Development Manager in IT and resigned at the pinnacle of her career to take up the fight against human trafficking. She gained real-world experience as a Criminal Justice Technician with the Alaska Department of Safety in the Sex Offender/Child Kidnapper Registry and serving trafficked women in the Anchorage emergency shelter; Downtown Hope Center. This unique skillset will now be leveraged to end human trafficking.

Kornelia Lein - Human Right Defender - free Journalist


Menschenrechtsverteidigerin gemäß Leitlinien der EU & Declaration on Human Rights Defenders 53/144, Artikel 1 & 25 Grundgesetz sowie der bay. Verfassung Artikel 84 sowie aller aus radifizierten völker- & menschenrechtlichen Verträgen entstandenen vertraglichen Bindung des Freistaats Bayern & der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sowie der Europäischen Union oder anderer Vertragspartner Ich bin auch als freie Journalistin gemäß Artikel 5 GG tätig sowie der neuesten Rechtssprechung VG Minden AZ 1 L 729/23 tätig. Ich habe weitere Videos auf meinem Rumble Video Kanal & auf telegram mehrere Gruppen. Sollte mein Kanal hier gesperrt sein, findet Ihr mich dort. Wer meine Arbeit unterstützen will kann mich mit einer Zuwendung unterstützen & mich direkt über meine Kanäle kontaktieren. Mehr dazu oder an eine Nachricht schicken

Melanie Halpert | Holistic Health & Human Design


As a recognized leader on the cutting edge of personal transformation with more than two decades in the field of holistic health, Melanie’s ability to see down into the core of things, to hone in on crucial details and to understand how they connect, allows her to do what she does best: to target and repattern that which unknowingly sabotages one’s ultimate well-being and greatest potential. Driven to empower others wherever they may be stuck, stagnant, victimized or lost in the shuffle of a chaotic world, she provides the possibility for a better way with practical, curated tools for individualized success.

Supernatural Revelation, Divine Insights into God the Universe, World's Creation, Laws of Creation-Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Personality, Spirituality, Eternity, Temporality, Religion, Belief, Human Society, Culture, Law and Values, Salvation, Miracles


The Search for God, Eternity, Life after death and the Meaning of Life. Looking at How Science, Religion, Human Society, Culture and Values shape our worldview, laws, relationships, spirituality and the practice or lack thereof of Eternity and Miracles.

Human Organisations, Cooperative Economics and Democratic Societies, Vision and Mission that drives genuine society development and transformation. Just societies and Holistic living.


The Search for Societies that exist to serve and build their human citizens and are founded on the core values of Justice, Mercy, Faith, in culture, values, economics, social structures, human rights and values, care for the least and humility of the powerful. Examples of societies that have created true societies that serve mankind.