Your Authentic Self Creates a New World


To build a new community, we are first required to know who we truly are by acknowledging and understanding our illusional selves. By understanding my illusions, I have remembered who I am - the truth. As I heal, I have begun to access the inner wisdom of my authentic self. All the videos shared were responses to my questions about myself, often when specific events triggered me. It would be great if my videos activated your questions and let you know that you are originally abundant, blissful, and innocent. This is because you are the only one who can navigate to the truth that is you. Please visit my website for the Gaia Village workshop:

Etoile de Gaîa


Estelle Viaud - Coaching spirituel, Thérapie énergétique & Relaxation. ************************************************************************************************* Mail: Site: FaceBook : @estelleviaudtherapeuteEstelle Viaud Alchimiste l Enseignante spirituelle l Thérapeute ********************************************************************************************** Si vous souhaitez me soutenir, vous pouvez faire circuler l\'abondance par le biais de cette cagnotte:


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Leeann is a world wide renowned healer. She works with both hands on and distant healing. She had an awareness of spirit from a very young age and is self taught. She always works directly from her heart space with a wide range of energetic modalities. She has worked with animals, plants, children and adults and also works as a holistic therapist. Gaiachi provides Meditation Videos & Podcasts. Mediumship, Healing & Live streams. You can contact Leeann direct via