Patriot LoFi


Welcome to Patriot LoFi Radio, relaxing music with Liberty and Justice for all. This stream and music is provided for free under the Value for Value model. If you enjoy it, please join our Patreon and help us keep the music flowing! Memberships include free track downloads and sneak peeks. Higher tiers even get exclusive secret tracks and shout-outs on the stream! Your support is important! You can also send sats to the podcast, we are compatible with Podcasting2.0! All original content. All rights reserved.

Direita no Brasil [Oficial]


eja bem-vindo(a) ao nosso canal de notícias sobre política e conservadorismo no Brasil! Aqui você encontrará análises, opiniões e cobertura dos principais eventos e acontecimentos políticos no país, sempre com uma abordagem conservadora e comprometida com os valores tradicionais. Nossa equipe de jornalistas e analistas políticos está constantemente acompanhando as notícias e trazendo informações atualizadas sobre temas como economia, relações internacionais, segurança pública, educação, cultura e muito mais. Além disso, também promovemos debates e entrevistas com personalidades importantes do cenário político e intelectual brasileiro, buscando sempre oferecer uma visão plural e informada sobre os assuntos em pauta. Se você busca uma fonte confiável de informação e análise política, aliada a uma visão conservadora e comprometida com os valores da família, da liberdade e da democracia, este é o lugar certo. Inscreva-se em nosso canal e não perca nenhuma atualização. Mário Robert

Simple Golf Instruction to Help You Play Your Best Golf


My mission is to help golfers make the most out of the game of golf and have more fun in the process! I utilize simple and effective techniques that "go against the grain" so to speak BUT the TRUTH has to get out. Tired of suffering and "wandering in the [golf swing] desert for 40 years"? Come to the "land of milk and honey" through this channel and my online golf school. Access Tom\'s ULTIMATE Golf Swing Training Program and Instructional Library -

Michal Lewicz - Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Airdrop DeFi TestNet Web3 Gaming NFT


Siemanko jestem Michał, ten kanał będzie poświęcony Technologi Blockchain, Kryptowalutom, DeFi oraz szeroko pojętemu zarabianiu online. Zapraszam na moja strone gdzie znajdziecie wiele ciekawych materiałów pomocniczych. Prowadze również grupę na FB i Discord do której dostaniecie sie przez zapis na mojego darmowego E-Booka - Podstawy Kryptowalut -



Welcome to Rumble\\\\\\\'s premiere boating enthusiast channel, BOATS GONE WILD! We take you front and center to some of the most exciting, and sometimes treacherous boating action South Florida, the Great Lakes, and the world\\\\\\\'s waterways have to offer. See offshore racers cut through dangerous choppy ocean swells, ride along with charter boat captains as they seek out and try to land trophy fish. Watch million-dollar super yachts navigate narrow channels as they head out to sea. And of course we\\\\\\\'ll bring the best boating fails caught on film. Please sit back and enjoy, and we hope you will subscribe to our channel!

Welcome to GrowthZone, your go-to destination for personal growth and self-improvement.


Welcome to GrowthZone, your go-to destination for personal growth and self-improvement. Our mission is to help you "Unlock Your Potential: Transform, Grow, and Thrive" by providing valuable insights, tips, and inspiration on a wide range of topics, including mindfulness, motivation, goal-setting, and emotional well-being. Through our engaging and informative videos, we aim to empower you to overcome challenges, develop a growth mindset, and unlock your true potential. Join us on this transformative journey as we explore the best strategies and techniques for personal development, and learn how to create a more fulfilling, balanced, and successful life. Don't forget to subscribe for regular updates, and let GrowthZone be your guide to a brighter future.