Early Genesis, The Revealed Cosmology


Author Mark Moore discusses topics related to the Christ-Centered model for early Genesis as described in his book "Early Genesis, the Revealed Cosmology". This could be considered a "neo-fundalmentalist" interpretation as it takes a high view of the text but maintains that the traditional narrative about what the text is saying is mistaken in several important points. The early church adopted the Jewish view of the material when it should have been re-interpreted in the light of Christ.

Oh My Genius - Nursery Rhymes And Kids Songs


Oh My Genius - Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs is home to popular baby songs that educate & entertain toddlers & preschoolers through music & story-telling! Children can dance & sing along to rhymes for kids & cartoon songs like Fruits Song, Wheels on the Bus, Finger Family Song, Five Little Monkeys & more! Our animated videos for kids have been created to make learning & education fun, impart family values & encourage healthy habits while entertaining our babies, toddlers & preschoolers. Parents will realise that Oh My Genius is the ideal destination to acquire knowledge, thinking skills & develop their child’s imagination & creativity. Parents will also enjoy our YouTube learning videos created for kids with preschool songs, funny cartoons, story songs & popular lullabies. Preschoolers, toddlers & babies can learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, shapes & more with our educational videos for kids! #OhMyGenius #Preschool #NurseryRhymes