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Lore and Narrations


Hello there, and welcome to my channel. My name is Anthony and I hail from Transylvania, Romania. So if you ever want to hear stories of Warhammer, Battletech, Dune, Witcher and more narrated in a native Transylvanian accent, you've come to the right place. What you're going to find on this channel: - Lore videos from the universes of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy. I have been doing this since the month of May of 2017 and will continue to do it as long as I am able to (health and income wise). The grand goal I have set for myself is too cover the lore of the 40k universe in its entirety someday. - Battletech Lore videos. These include videos on individual mechs, Battletech history, other combat vehicles, factions and more. - Lore videos on Dune, the Witcher and mythical beasts settings. - Audio Books from the Warhammer Fantasy universe as well as a few other fantasy and sci-fi novels I really liked throughout the years. The Audio Books are narrated entirely by myself.