Hypnoyan LLC


Hypnosis is an educational and self-improvement process that facilitates access to internal resources that assist people in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavioral patterns to create positive change. Hypnosis is not a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy. Neither the Company nor any of its employees or owners practice medicine or psychotherapy and its services are not a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric, or medical treatment. No content or product provided is intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness, psychological or mental health condition. Nothing posted on this channel is medical advice or a substitute for advice from your physician or healthcare provider. Always contact your physician or other healthcare provider with any questions about a medical condition or your personal health. You may read the full disclaimer here: https://www.hypnoyan.com/disclaimer/

Extreme Expeditions Northwest, LLC


“One of the inescapable encumbrances of leading an interesting life is that there have to be moments when you almost lose it.” ― Jimmy Buffett, A Pirate Looks at Fifty Extreme Expeditions Northwest, LLC is comprised of a dedicated and experienced group of Adventurers who's primary goal- through extensive field work and investigation, is to secure the ultimate proof of the existence of Bigfoot. In pursuit of our goal to secure the ultimate proof of the existence of Bigfoot, we conduct one major field operation per year into a remote and hostile wilderness area that is calculated to yield the best proof of Bigfoot's existence- which many times involves an up close and personal with Mr. Big himself. That being said, our expeditions are not for everyone as they generally revolve around activities that involve significant elements of danger. In any event, we at Extreme Expeditions Northwest, LLC view these hazards as nothing more than minor inconveniences- which we may encounter.

Prosperity 101, LLC


Prosperity 101® provides non-partisan resources to help employers educate employees about public policy issues that affect their jobs. Connecting Boardroom to Breakroom® with unique tools to enhance communication and connection, Prosperity 101® materials are the perfect catalyst for introducing basic business, economic, and civic principles. Materials are affordable, downloadable, customizable, and can be adapted for use in a variety of businesses as a manager presentation or for independent learning. Get your FREE E-Book at https://prosperity101.com/ebook

Exeter 1031 Exchange Services, LLC


Exeter 1031 Exchange Services, LLC delivers a better, safer, and more secure 1031 Exchange experience by depositing, holding and safeguarding clients\' 1031 Exchange funds in separate, segregated, dual-signature Qualified Trust Accounts through Exeter Trust Company. Exeter Trust Company is licensed, regulated and audited by the Wyoming Division of Banking. Did you know that only about 1% of Qualified Intermediaries are directly licensed, regulated and audited by a regulatory body? Government oversight is critical to ensure and maintain the safety and soundness of the Qualified Intermediary.\n\nExeter 1031 Exchange is a leading national Qualified Intermediary that administers all types of 1031 Exchanges, including Forward, Reverse and Improvement 1031 Exchanges, in all 50 states. Exeter 1031 Exchange is also one of the few Qualified Intermediaries that administers foreign property exchanges.\n\nExeter 1031 works with individual, corporate and institutional clients in all 50 states providing creative solutions for complex 1031 exchange transactions.\n\nOver the years we have developed a reputation for analyzing, structuring and administering the more complex, sophisticated and challenging 1031 Exchange strategies, including 1031 Exchanges of foreign property. \n\nWe have the answers. Go ahead, ASK!\n\nVisit us at http://www.exeterco.com/