Revelation Riddle


Something is terribly wrong in the world – we all feel it. The elite controlling our society commit heinous crimes with no punishment while Christians silently await a rescue rapture. Most in the Church expect increasing cultural demise before we escape. However, through His prophets of old, God already showed us what would happen – we just got the ending wrong. Hidden in a mysterious riddle, God shares His amazing plan for humanity. We live in the most thrilling time since Jesus came. God now calls on Soldier Saints to transform and lead the world. Are you ready to fulfill your calling? How do saints prepare and qualify to lead the next age? For more information, or to receive access to special content or stay connected to new developments, visit Book can be purchased on Amazon and other major bookseller outlets. Amazon Book Link:

Chacote Outdoor Recreation


Yes it is muzzle loading, but it comes with so much more, good people good times, family fun and memories, a deep connection to our history, an unbridled love and respect for those who shouldered these arms before us and pioneered and settled the vast wilderness that would become America, the crack of a percussion cap, the sparks flying off a frizzen and the unique smell of black powder in the air, it all comes together to form memories that can only be experienced and not easily explained, but once you feel it, it will become a part of you. A wise man once said that you are merely the sum of your life's experiences, don't miss this experience for yourself or those you love.

Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.


Is Evolution True? We look at the same evidence for the Theory of Evolution and the Evidence for God's Creation. Surely if there was a global flood (Noah's Flood), there would be evidence of that kind of catastrophe. What disciplines in Science, like Geology and more. We will look at all major categories of Science: Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geology, & More. Is there an effort by colleges to suppress dissenting theories? Science is knowledge, Come n see.



The Book of Revelation commentary is about the End Times. It is specifically focuses on sharing commentary, providing deep insights and preparing the Body of Christ for the Yeshua's (Jesus') return. He coming back very soon and revival has been here for the last 2000+ years. Are the saints ready for His return?! This will include verse by verse commentary on the Book of Revelation and End Time Topics. Topics such as how to identify the signs of the End Times, who the Rider of the white horse is, what is Judgement day, what happens during the 7 year world tribulation period, who are the 2 Witnesses, who are the Nicolaitans, what and where is the Great City of Babylon, how to identify the Beast, the Mark of the Beast (666) and calculate His number. Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. In name of Yeshua, Amen!