Malcolm Dewey Fine Art
145 FollowersPainting tutorials for beginners. Art materials reviewed.
Weird,creepy,and,unexplained videos
140 Followersparanormal activity,creepy footage,and unexplained video content
Elaine Beck
128 FollowersPlainSpoken
119 FollowersPlainSpoken is a project undertaken by Jeffrey Rickman, an elder in the Global Methodist Church. Its purpose is to restore to Methodists a sense of identity by working through developments in modern Methodism or the larger Christian faith, often using scripture and foundational Wesleyan doctrine. The hope is that a new sense of vital piety and disciplined discipleship might emerge among a new generation of believers. While Jeffrey's churches support this ministry, it is not officially a ministry of the churches in Nowata and Delaware. Rather, this is a labor of love on Jeffrey's part, with the help of TJ. Eventually, both hope that this can be something that can result in more income, such that TJ can quit his job and Jeffrey can fund increased ministries for his churches.
SCP Explained Story and Animation
101 FollowersChaplainOnline1
98 FollowersNazarasFineCrafts
97 FollowersFlamenco4U
96 FollowersFlamenco4U is a YouTube channel that teaches YOU how to play the flamenco guitar...starting...NOW! Flamenco4U founder, and instructor, Ben Stubbs, guides you step-by-step through each lesson in a way that is fun and easy for you, the student! Subscribe today!
95 FollowersPhysicsExplainedWell
95 FollowersThe Fine Print with George Kamel
93 FollowersLet’s face it—you probably aren’t where you want to be financially. You don’t know what to do or who to trust. You’re listening to headlines, social media and broke friends to make major money decisions. Making the right choices shouldn’t be this complicated. In every episode, George Kamel will do the research for you and break down money myths, trends and traps that you need to know about. With the right information, you’ll make smarter decisions with your life and money.
Fine Art Connection
85 FollowersFine Art Connection Rumble channel. Uncover the realm of Fine Art, stay updated with the latest art developments, dive into art references, and contemplate art as a financial asset.
Pink Flame of Liberty
80 FollowersMuch Liberty, So Politics
Scamatoriile Iosefinei - Radio Gold FM Romania
72 Followers"Scamatoriile Iosefinei": emisiune de dezvăluiri, analiză și pamflet despre clasa politică, difuzată la Radio Gold FM România. Realizatoare: Iosefina Pascal (jurnalistă de investigații independentă, activistă civic și realizatoare de emisiuni radio-tv și online). Ediții ale emisiunii "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" de la Radio Gold FM Romania, în: - canalul video "Scamatoriile Iosefinei - Radio Gold FM Romania" din - secțiunea Toate video-urile utilizatorului "Scamatoriile Iosefinei - Radio Gold FM Romania" din - secțiunea emisiunii "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" din site-ul lui Radio Gold FM România: - secțiunea emisiunii "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" din site-ul lui Gold TV România: Articole scrise de Iosefina Pascal în site-ul lui Solid News: Lista articolelor scrise de Iosefina Pascal în site-ul lui Solid News: Clasamentul listelor la europarlamentare realizat de jurnalista Iosefina Pascal: Locul 1 - A.U.R., locul 2 - coaliția P.S.D.-P.N.L., locul 3 - A.D.U. Data postării articolului: 05.04.2024. Un nou atentat la siguranta nationala a Romaniei - distrugerea agriculturii prin interzicerea rachetelor antigrindina - "Fermierii" lui Florian Coldea Data postării articolului: 02.04.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 7: Ferma rușilor și legătura cu serviciile rusești, casa conspirativă a lui Coldea și imperiul imobiliar al caprelor mărunte Data postării articolului: 27.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 6: Mafia rusă, bani la sacoșă, bani în dulap, acte false, achizitii ilegale, biroul secret al lui Coldea Data postării articolului: 22.03.2024. Jurnalista Iosefina Pascal demontează toate fake-news-urile „mini-marțienilor” NASA de la Buzău. Documente exclusive ! Data postării articolului: 19.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 5: Mercenarii CryptoDATA si propaganda rusească Data postării articolului: 11.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 4: Câmpul Tactic Digital din educație și infiltrarea instituțiilor Data postării articolului: 08.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 3: Influencerii lui Coldea și banii la sacoșă Data postării articolului: 04.03.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 2: Documente uluitoare despre ferma din Buzău, afaceri cu păcănele, escrocherii internaționale și legăturile cu Rusia Data postării articolului: 29.02.2024. "Lăcătușii" lui Florian Coldea, partea 1: Cea mai mare vulnerabilitate în sistemul de securitate al României Data postării articolului: 26.02.2024. Misterioasa doamnă C., Vama, Florian Coldea... Și cei 39 de achitați ! Data postării articolului: 22.02.2024. Ginerele lui Ioan Niculae, partener oficial la Untold Dubai. Tovarăș de masă cu Florian Coldea ! Data postării articolului: 16.02.2024. Biden, parcat cu raportul medical, ca să-i facă loc lui Michelle Obama. Putin, maestru de ceremonii Data postării articolului: 09.02.2024. Iosefina Pascal denunță neonazismul din Germania ! Data postării articolului: 16.10.2023. Cozmin Gușă (jurnalist, analist politic și realizator de emisiuni la Radio Gold FM România) despre Iosefina Pascal: "Iosefina Pascal este - dupa părerea mea - cel mai harnic și mai competent jurnalist din noua generație, specializat în investigație de presă și interpretarea evenimentelor conform adevărului demonstrabil. Ea se alătură prestigioasei echipe de comentatori și analiști de la Gold FM și realizează emisiunea "Scamatoriile Iosefinei" (de luni până joi, de la orele 16), unde comentează precis, dar și cu umor, evenimentele semnificative ale perioadei." Cozmin Gușă despre Radio Gold FM România: "În toate emisiunile de la Radio Gold FM România este analizată critic realitatea politică, economică și socială, opiniile exprimate de invitați, în mod liber și potrivit convingerilor lor, fiind adesea de natură a corecta informațiile false sau tendențios interpretate de alți operatori din mass-media."
72 FollowersThe Bible Explained - P40 Ministries
71 FollowersReading the Bible shouldn't be a chore, it should be fun! So, grab your cup of coffee and tune in for this humorous, relatable, and simplistic explanation of the Bible. Each weekday morning, you will hear Jenn (and the occasional guest) reading and discussing a different portion of Scripture in a way that you (probably) have never experienced before. For coffee drinkers only... just kidding.
69 FollowersPaint Slinger Studios
67 FollowersTutorials, Pant-Alongs, Art Vlogs
Blaine's Escape Corner
67 FollowersA little corner of the internet where we can talk about our healthy escapism.
Health & Fitness Redefined
64 FollowersJoin us today as we take a dive into the world of health and fitness, where we can overcome adversity, depict fact vs fiction and see health & fitness in a whole new light.
Explain America
64 FollowersExplain America
A channel explaining ancient Egypt and the life of the pharaohs and ancient sites (temples - tombs - all monuments) in Egypt
63 FollowersTwin Flame Guides
63 Followers🔵 Twin Flame Guides is a place for you to get tips, advice and follow along our twin flame journey. We talk about the twin flame connection, soul mates, love, spirituality and ascension and everything in between. ❤️ HOW WE'RE DIFFERENT: We're a young twin flame couple who are actually in full, premenant and harmonious UNION. We practice what we preach, and have not only a large amount of experience to draw on, but have done an enormous amount of research into metaphysics, holographic reality, quantum mechanics, ancient cultures and modern day personal growth concepts. If you have a question, please COMMENT it on our latest YouTube video and we'll get to it. Check out our free video training about how to reunite faster here: Love and Light, Stef and Julia! #TwinFlames #Twinflame #Soulmate
Daein Explains
60 FollowersHere I attempt to provide fantastic answers to mediocre questions, with just a wee a touch of sarcasm! The focus of this channel is to break down the wall that has been built up between faith and science So when someone of faith hears a word like evolution, they don\\\'t immediately glaze over, or any person who thinks of themselves as scientifically knowledgeable hears a friend pray, they don\\\'t immediately presume their friend is a fruit loop. So if you\\\'d like to learn something or just like getting your bunting in a bunch then please subscribe and like my videos. Also don\\\'t forget to ding the bell to get notified when I release new videos.\n\nMy Channel on YouTube:
Jessica Matheney Fine Art
60 FollowersI\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m Jessica Matheney, thanks for checking out my channel. On this channel you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ll find weekly videos to watch that consist of drawing tutorials, tips, product reviews and more! Make sure you leave a comment on a video and subscribe so you don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t miss out!
59 FollowersFISM News
58 FollowersDescription Welcome to Goldmines Telefilms. One of the Finest Destination for Entertainment Content on Youtube. Now Watch Premiere of New South Hindi Dubbed Movies on Every Saturday & Also Enjoy Full Length Blockbuster Hindi Movies, Songs, Comedy Scenes a
56 FollowersExplainAmerica
51 FollowersExplainAmerica
49 FollowersGundam Explained
48 FollowersMy name is Adam and I like Gundam. There's so much to talk about, I might as well record myself doing it! I'll make videos about movies and shows, collectibles, and news.
Fine Art Instructor
47 FollowersThis channel is for the serious art student who wants to learn how to draw and oil paint. Jason has been called "One of the foremost western, wildlife and historical Native American painters." In this channel Jason will post insightful oil painting tips with clear explanations on subjects like how to mix colors and flesh tones, how to understand color and value, creating good compositions, human anatomy, what type of brushes and materials to use, oil painting technique and so on. Rather than pay hundreds or thousands of dollars buying all kinds of videos or taking workshops, learn what the oil painting masters know here on this channel! The community is urged to comment and even request ideas for future videos. "My hope is this will become a positive interactive community of artists who help each other to grow and thrive in their craft." --Jason Tako
Song Meanings Explained
46 FollowersEntertaining and educational videos about your favorite rock albums from the 90s and 00s.
Plain Truth
46 FollowersTruth for the times.
43 FollowersSeja bem-vindo ao CANAL É TRETA!!! NOTÍCIAS DO FLAMENGO , Aqui falamos das principais Notícias do Flamengo. Saiba tudo que está acontecendo no Mercado da bola, contratação de jogadores, empréstimo de jogadores, últimas notícias do Flamengo, Flamengo hoje, Novidades no Flamengo, Troca de técnico, Protesto da torcida, CONMEMBOL Libertadores, Campeonato Brasileiro, Copa do Brasil, Nação rubro negra, notícias do flamengo hoje, flamengo notícias, flamengo agora, notícias do flamengo agora, flamengo no mercado da bola, mercado da bola flamengo, mengão, mengo, fla flamengo ao vivo, noticias do flamengo ao vivo. Então não perca tempo, faça parte da FAMÍLIA É TRETA!!! NOTÍCIAS DO FLAMENGO. Inscreva-se, e ATIVE o Sininho, para não perder nenhuma notícia importante do nosso Mengão. O Clube de Regatas do Flamengo (mais conhecido simplesmente como Flamengo, e popularmente pelos apelidos de Mengo, Mengão e Fla) é uma agremiação poliesportiva brasileira com sede na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
43 FollowersUnexplainedXfiles
42 FollowersVideos on Unexplaned history, phenomena and never discussed topics