TRUE ACCOUNTABILITY: If should any Public Official ('Public Servant'), whether elected (even the President), appointed, or hired into any governmental position have been seen to have violated U.S. Constitutional Law, whether by self or to have conspired outside government through proxy, they should be charged with violating the Supreme Law which is an illegal act. In addition to this, they have also violated their 'Oath of Office' which is also Law and an illegal act. They have broken two critical laws necessary to possess the privilege and authority granted to them by the people in the 'Public Trust', and that person (or persons) needs to be IMMEDIATELY SUSPENDED from that office/position with a temporary replacement pending an investigation. If during the course of the investigation that person should be cleared, they should be immediately restored to that office/position. If they should be referred to prosecution, they should then be accorded due process as required by law. If they should be found innocent and cleared of charges in the course of a trial, they should be restored to that office/position. If they are found guilty for having violated Constitutional Law and the law specifying their oath of Office, then that person should be permanently removed from that office/position and face the appropriate penalties to include fines and incarceration for a specified period of time.

B&B: Burchardt & Böttcher - Wir müssen reden


Was ist? Was wird? Was nun? Jeden Sonntag um 5 nach 12 verlängern Matthias Burchardt und Sven Böttcher virtuell euren Frühstückstisch, wundern sich mit euch, was nicht in BILD und FAZ steht und machen sich möglicherweise sogar nützlich. Andernfalls machen sie jedenfalls Spaß. Im Ernst. Pay as you like. Ohne eure Unterstützung kann es B&B nicht geben: IBAN: DE22 2075 0000 0091 1012 20 Name: B+B Sven Böttcher PayPal:

A collection of paranormal videos about our poltergeist/demon/ghost/spirit infested house.


**If you want to use any of our content in one of your own videos then please contact us first, and we'll sort it for you.** 😊 For 25+ years, we have lived in this supernatural-ridden house and experienced all manner of paranormal activity. Disclaimer: The paranormal videos presented on this channel are uploaded here for your entertainment purposes only. While we strive to capture captivating and immersive content, the nature of paranormal phenomena is subjective and open to interpretation. We encourage you to enjoy these videos as a form of entertainment and make your own conclusions. Remember, the line between reality and the ethereal can often blur in the realm of the paranormal. Thank you for joining us on our paranormal journey. 😊

Reasonable Pandemonium


LIVE on WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAYS at 11:00 AM CDT Welcome to Reasonable Pandemonium, home of The Pandemonium Cut! The pandemonium abounds, but we try to keep it reasonable. Watch us play through games. Then watch us make skits about the games. THEN watch us make whole mini-movies about the games. THEN WATCH US- wait no, actually that's all. Currently porting our content over here from: Please follow. :D