Réfléchir et Agir Libre


Visiteur unique ou abonné (in)fidèle - Bienvenue Tu trouveras ici : - Des vidéos inédites à regarder et garder pour tes petits enfants & pour l'Histoire - Des actualités (toujours fraîches même en été) - De l'information (pas toujours d'actualité mais en rapport souvent) - Du questionnement (pour se questionner) - De l'analyse (sans avoir à utiliser le petit gobelet) - De l'humour (à 37°C) Tu ne trouveras pas ici : - D'appels à la violence, à la haine, à un numéro surtaxé - De complotisme, de satanisme, de transhumanisme, et tout un tas de mots qui finissent en .isme - De développement personnel pour être champion en développé/couché - De conseils "beauté" pour concurrencer Loana - De conseils "minceur" ...idem - De formations pour devenir riche en 72h avec seulement 2€ d'apport, le tout pour 49€ tout rond au lieu de 1699,99€ (promotion à durée illimitée pendant 2h) Tu as lu jusqu'ici ? Alors j'espère que tu t'es abonné, activé les notifs & blablabla... Be ReAL

TNT Outdoors


TNT Outdoors produces dynamic content targeted on the Outdoors Lifestyle; including hunting, fishing, prepping, and anything else outdoors-related we think is fun and cool. TNT Outdoors also conducts product testing and/or reviews as well as head-to-head product comparison competitions conducted in the field. At TNT Outdoors, we try not to take ourselves too seriously, we like to have fun, and we love to laugh! We produce hunting and outdoors related content that is created for the average outdoorsman, by the average outdoorsman. Thanks for stopping by!

TNT History


TNT History is dedicated to delving deep into the rich tapestry of military and cultural history, both on a national and global scale. Our mission is clear: to educate and inspire the next generation by unearthing the captivating stories and profound lessons hidden within the annals of time. Our channel breathes new life into old documentaries, making them accessible and engaging for a fresh audience eager to explore the past. We firmly believe that history is not merely a collection of dates and facts; it's a narrative that defines who we are and shapes our future. Through our content, we endeavor to pass on these stories so that they may continue to resonate with generations to come. We understand that history can sometimes seem complex and challenging to grasp, but it is essential to remember that it holds the key to understanding the world we live in today. Without a firm grasp of our past, how can we hope to navigate our future? TNT History is here to bridge the gap, making history accessible, relatable, and thought-provoking. Join us on this enlightening journey through time as we explore the triumphs and tribulations, the heroes and villains, the cultures and conflicts that have shaped our world. Together, let's uncover the hidden gems of history, breathing life into the stories that define us and ensuring that they endure for generations to come. Subscribe to TNT History and be a part of our mission to preserve and share the treasures of our collective past.

Marketing Digital Pro


Olá, Sou 👨‍💻 Especialista em Estratégias de Marketing Digital e Marketing de Conteúdo Nosso foco aqui: marketing digital, marketing de conteúdo, segredos e funcionando dos algoritmos das plataformas, lançamentos, vendas e mais CRIE SEU NEGÓCIO NA INTERNET 100% DO ZERO COM PASSO A PASSO NA PRÁTICA Do Zero Ao Avançado no Marketing Digital Desde Conceitos a Estratégia de Vendas Avançadas Este curso de marketing digital destina-se a estudantes e profissionais de qualquer área do conhecimento que necessitam adquirir e aprofundar habilidades em estratégias digitais Melhores estratégias, ferramentas e técnicas para captação de clientes através da Internet Que podem ser aplicados no seu dia a dia e que contribuirão para alavancar sua carreira ou desenvolver o seu próprio negócio. Na prática do início ao fim como criar seu negócio online altamente lucrativo, multiplicável e escalável. Tudo com passos simples e fáceis de aplicar; link aí na arte do canal ou nas descrições dos vídeos.

Bogdan Voda Marketing Club


Because they all told me I had no chance. Because English is not my native language, I am neither handsome nor charming, and nobody cares about what I want to say. That's why I started this channel. Because people don't want to hear about network marketing, they hate MLM and are more than happy to live from paycheck to paycheck. Inflation does not exist, companies never exploit their employees, and wages are more than enough to sustain a prosperous life. Why would anybody want to learn how to develop a business in the online marketing industry? Why would anybody start a network marketing business? The economy is booming and it's safer to rely on your job and expect the state to pay you a decent pension after that. Yes, sure... If you think you deserve a better life than your endless 9 to 5 rat race, SUBSCRIBE and learn how to start living the life you deserve.

Best Digital Marketing


Welcome to Best Digital Marketing! Our YouTube channel features valuable tutorial and informational videos on everything having to do with Internet Marketing. All of the knowledge, techniques, and suggestions in our fast-paced videos have been acquired from our over 25 years of experience as a successful Internet Marketing agency with hundreds of clients from all over the world, but mainly from the United States. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on Google, PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Website Development, Data Analytics, Affiliate Marketing, Search Engines, and Video Production and Marketing are just some of the areas that our videos focus on. We have always been evidence-based in our approach to growing clients' brands, leads, and sales. The content that you'll view in all of the videos reflects that. We feel that we're truly providing to you with the best in digital marketing. Please feel free to watch, learn, enjoy, and profit from our videos.