Camping, Hiking and Backpacking Gear reviews


Our goal is to bring you honest in depth reviews on a wide range of gear used in the outdoor recreational industry. Hiking, camping, trekking and prospecting to name a few. We depend on our gear to perform and you should too. Join us as we take a deeper look at cost to quality ratios as well as build quality, materials and features. There is a lot to discover and uncover in the recreational gear world so there is no better time to start then now! Welcome to NoCoast Outfitters on Rumble.

Minuteman Gear


Minuteman Gear is a company founded by college student Luke Shorr and his friend, Ethan Norton, an Army ROTC Cadet and future Infantry Officer. Empowering and equipping the next generation of minutemen both with physical gear and mental knowledge and skill, we strive to show the old generation of minutemen that their ideals and principles are in good hands. We seek to educate the next generation of minutemen in training and philosophy, demonstrating that we are much more than just a gear company. We hope you resonate with our beliefs and continue to come back for more. \n\nYoutube Channel:\n\nTo inquire about a holster, contact us at:

Reviews of Guns & Gear and everything Tacti-cool!


"Welcome to 'RazorMP,' a channel dedicated to in-depth reviews and discussions about firearms and tactical gear. As a seasoned combat veteran (former infantryman, military policeman, special reaction team leader, SRT sniper, protective service agent (bodyguard), drill sergeant, First Sergeant (RET) USA, NRA Pistol Instructor and Texas Concealed Carry Instructor...whew...thats a lot of words) and passionate gun enthusiast, I bring a unique blend of experience and passion to each video. From detailed breakdowns of the latest firearms to hands-on testing of tactical equipment, this channel offers viewers expert insights and honest reviews. Join me as I explore the world of firearms, sharing tips, tricks, and my personal experiences from years in the field. Whether you're a seasoned shooter or just starting out, 'RazorMP' is your go-to source for all things tactical and firearms-related." Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases.