European American Armory Corporation


EAA Corporation / US Sporting Goods Inc. (USSG inc.) is an importer of quality firearms. We provide a wide variety of hand guns and long guns for every type of shooter. On the EAA Corporation channel, you can see some of our products in action and get excellent safety / operational tips as well as find the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about our guns. Have a product that you'd like to see in action or have a question for our experts? Leave us a comment to let us know and we'll see about answering your question or showing the product in the next video. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe!

Sakura's European Lifestyle


Hello, I'm Sakura. Thanks for visiting my channel! I love traveling and have been to various countries. I've lived in New Zealand and Australia for a total of 3 years to study English. Now I'm living in Belgium, Europe. With this channel I want to share my travels, daily life and the things I love, as well as playlists of songs I love. I will try my utmost to read all comments, but if I can't, please forgive me. こんにちわ、桜と言います。チャンネル見てくれて有難うございます。 旅が好きで今まで色んな国に行ってきて、そこから英語勉強の為に、ニュージランドとオーストラリアに合計3年ほど 住んでいました。今はヨーロッパのベルギーに住んでいます。 このチャンネルは旅や、自分の好きな事や、何気ない日常など、ブログとして綴っています。 Playlistでは自分が聴いていいなと思ったのを纏めています。 始めたばかりで小さなチャンネルですがよろしくお願いします。 コメントは、すべて目を通すようにしますが、返信できていない場合があったらごめんなさい🙏