Russian is Worth Speaking


Ever-growing collection of Arabic, Russian, and Turkish content, formed into parallel compositions. It's content I wish I'd had. It's content I still use. Arabic channel: Russian channel: Turkish channel: Go to if you'd like free pdf transcripts. Language is worth speaking. Level Explanation Level 1: Segmented by phases and small complete sentences. Level 2: Segmented primarily by complete sentences. Level 3: Segmented primarily by paragraphs. Arabic-only: Presented in Arabic only. English-only: Presented in English only. Russian-only: Presented in Russian only. Turkish-only: Presented in Turkish only.

Russian Orthodox Revolution Against Hegemony


Russian Orthodox Revolution Against Hegemony provides a unique look at the fight against American hegemony from an Orthodox Christian perspective. Our engaging discussions, insightful interviews, and funny memes are sure to spark debate and shed light on important topics related to Russian society, politics, and global affairs. We feature insightful interviews with notable individuals, such as naturalized Russian citizens with American heritage such as Russell "Texas" Bentley, John Mark Dougan, and more, as we discuss topics related to Russian society, politics, and global affairs.

Films on Russian History and Culture Verified


A collection of features and in Russian history and culture used by my students in Russian history courses. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. It is being made available in an effort to advance the study of Ancient history. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for educational purposes. It is made available for loan on a person-to-person basis. Therefore, the reproduction in digital copies for teaching (including copies for online classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. Students or others who wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of their own that go beyond 'fair use' must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Russian History Documentaries Verified


A collection of filmed documentaries in Russian history used by my students in Russian history courses. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. It is being made available in an effort to advance the study of Ancient history. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for educational purposes. It is made available for loan on a person-to-person basis. Therefore, the reproduction in digital copies for teaching (including copies for online classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. Students or others who wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of their own that go beyond 'fair use' must obtain perm

Deutschlands Seelen Gewinnen


Zerrennerstr. 32, 75172 Pforzheim Wir sind eine lokale neutestamentliche Kirche, die das Gebiet von Pforzheim mit dem Evangelium von Jesus Christus erreicht. Erwarten Sie nichts Trendiges oder Liberales. Wir sind eine altmodische, fundamentale Baptistengemeinde, die von Tür zu Tür Seelengewinnen geht. Unser Pastor: Pastor Steven Anderson ist in Sacramento geboren und aufgewachsen. Im Alter von 18 Jahren reiste er durch Deutschland und Osteuropa, um in örtlichen IFB-Kirchen zu dienen, Fremdsprachen zu lernen und Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Auf dieser Reise lernte er seine Frau Zsuzsanna kennen. Er führte sie zum Herrn, und kurz darauf heirateten sie. Sie sind seit über 21 Jahren verheiratet, und Gott hat sie mit 12 wunderbaren Kindern gesegnet. Betreiber dieses Kanals: Faithful Word Baptist Church 2741 W Southern Ave, Suite 14 Tempe, AZ 85282 USA

News video


Journalism that’s Made for Minds. Follow us for global news and analysis from the heart of Europe. DW News delivers the world's breaking news while going deep beneath the surface of what's going on. Correspondents on the ground and in the studio provide their detailed analysis and insights on issues that affect our viewers. Deutsche Welle is Germany’s international broadcaster, producing content in 30 languages. We independently report social, political and economic developments in Germany and Europe, incorporating both German and other perspectives. DW hopes to promote understanding between different cultures and peoples. While funded by the German government, the work of DW is regulated by the Deutsche Welle Act (, meaning content is always independent of government influence. We ask that you please keep comments and discussions on this channel clean and respectful. For further information please click the 'DW Netiquette' link below.



As an AI language model, I strive to be impartial and provide objective information. However, it is well-known that the media in both Russia and Ukraine can have different perspectives and biases, particularly in relation to each other. Russian news sources are generally controlled by the government, with state-run agencies such as TASS and RT (formerly Russia Today) being major sources of news. These sources tend to promote the views of the Russian government and often present a pro-Russian perspective on international events. In recent years, the Russian media has been accused of spreading propaganda and disinformation, particularly in relation to events in Ukraine and the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian news sources, on the other hand, tend to be more independent and free from government control, although this has been challenged by recent legislation aimed at regulating the media. Some of the major Ukrainian news sources include the public broadcaster UA:Pershyi, as well as private outlets such as Hromadske, Interfax-Ukraine, and Kyiv Post. These sources tend to be critical of the Russian government and often present a pro-Ukrainian perspective on events, particularly in relation to the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine. Overall, it is important to approach news from both Russia and Ukraine with a critical eye and seek out multiple sources in order to get a balanced perspective on events.

De URSS a Rusia y CIS: Noticias en Español


¡Bienvenido al canal 'De URSS a Rusia y CIS: Noticias en Español'! Nuestro canal ofrece traducciones de voz de las noticias actuales de Rusia y los países de la CEI, abarcando la política, la economía, la sociedad y la cultura. Creemos que entender la diversidad de las noticias mundiales es importante para la sociedad global. Por eso, nos esforzamos por superar la barrera del idioma, proporcionando noticias confiables y actuales en español para todos aquellos que desean estar al día con los eventos en Rusia y los países de la CEI. 'De URSS a Rusia y CIS: Noticias en Español' es su fuente de noticias de los países que han experimentado cambios significativos desde la disolución de la URSS y que continúan desempeñando un papel clave en el escenario mundial. ¡Suscríbete a nuestro canal y mantente al día con las últimas noticias de Rusia y los países de la CEI en español! Descargo de responsabilidad: Utilizamos traducción de voz automatizada para crear nuestro contenido. Esto significa que no hacemos ninguna corrección en la traducción, lo que nos permite la rápida emisión de videos para nuestros espectadores. Nos esforzamos por proporcionar la traducción más precisa y completa posible, pero por favor tenga en cuenta que la traducción puede a veces contener inexactitudes o una interpretación incorrecta del texto original debido a las características de la traducción automática. Le agradecemos su comprensión y valoramos su interés en las noticias de la moderna Rusia y los países de la CEI.