

Welcome to the Coast 2 Coast Podcast! Our Podcast is an unscripted and off the cuff show in which we banter and discuss a wide variety of topics every week; with almost nothing being considered as, “off limits”. We have a tendency to move fast and passionately throughout the duration of each weekly episode, and always do our best to bring you the most up to date and entertaining listening experience that we possibly can. We appreciate each and every person who “tunes in” and can’t wait to share this experience with you. Our Podcast operates from donations/contributions, and we greatly appreciate everyone who has been able to help out (because we wouldn’t be able to operate at the current rate without you) but please do not feel pressured. You being here with us each and every week is the greatest reward, and we thank you for your continued support! You can also find us on various other social media platforms listed below: YouTube: goodolboysoundroom Instagram: coast_2_coast TikTok: coast2coast010 Facebook Page: Coast 2 Coast LINE Group Invitation: Simply comment "Drop me a LINE" in a private message on any of our other Social Media profiles and we’ll reach out to you. Watch, enjoy, comment, like, subscribe and share... and check out Coast2CoastShorts Channel and Coast2CoastMusic Channel

Justice with coastal cowboy


Social media is a platform that has become increasingly popular for scammers to con people. According to the Federal Trade Commission, more than one in four people who reported losing money to fraud in 2021 said it started on social media with an ad, a post, or a message. In fact, the data suggest that social media was far more profitable to scammers in 2021 than any other method of reaching people. More than 95,000 people reported about $770 million in losses to fraud initiated on social media platforms in 2021. Those losses account for about 25% of all reported losses to fraud in 2021 and represent a stunning eighteenfold increase over 2017 reported losses 1.