HopeFilled Financial Coaching


A coaching practice dedicated to helping individuals and small business live out their HopeFilled futures. HopeFilled Financial Coaching focuses on budgeting practices, understanding retirement, money in marriage, and debt freedom. Employees can experience up to 40% less productivity if they are regularly under financial stress. HopeFilled currently offers a series of workshops to train your employees how to free themselves from feeling financially trapped so they can provide you with their full potential at work. Jay Disberger is trained by "America’s trusted voice on money and business," Dave Ramsey through Financial Coach Master Training: registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). In addition, Jay graduated at the top of his class with B.S. and M.S. engineering degrees from Kansas State University equipping him to solve an assortment of challenging problems.

Mystery Teachings


Welcome and Namaste Beautiful Soul 💚 Wherever you are in your awakening journey I'm glad you're here and I appreciate you 🙏 Just started learning about yourself, your spirituality and who you really are? Or already know that you're a Beautiful Energy Being having a temporary human experience here on Earth?😜 Either way I really hope you find some answers on my channel🙏💚 Educating you about: 💫 Energies, Frequencies and Vibrations 💚 Your Energy and Chakras 🕉️ Meditation, Breathing, Grounding and other techniques 🧙‍♂️ Healing A-Z ⚡ Spirituality with Science 🧭 Understanding The Real Great Awakening vs Escaping the "Matrix" / 3D vs 5D 💡How to 🌏 Family of 8 Billion Hungarian in London "WHERE FOCUS GOES, ENERGY FLOWS AND RESULT SHOWS" 💯 Stay blessed ❤️❤️

Watching With Rocky Sensei


Here at Watching with Rocky Sensei, we delve into the captivating world of classic and undiscovered movies, meticulously dissecting their exhilarating fight scenes. Join us for a cinematic journey where we infuse our reviews with a touch of humor, providing hilarious commentary that adds an extra layer of enjoyment. Amidst the laughter, we unveil intriguing hidden facts, enriching your viewing experience with cool and fascinating insights. We post new videos every three days!

Teachings on the Laws of Mind - Flip Your World Your Way


Throughout time and space we have been left nuggets to help guide us in our journey of life. This - all of it - is about Humanity and humanity is made up of individuals. The story of Science is just another way of telling the story in the Bible - the story of Humanity and in turn each one of us individually. It\'s so big you can\'t see it - you are in the thick of it. Cutting down the trees to see the forest. This is all a mind game. Learn the Principles behind it all and make it As You Wish. They were called Followers of the Way. There is only one way - yours! Come learn all about it - if you dare.

Free at home workouts and coaching


My name is Matt and I'd like to welcome you to Iron Ink. I'm a former police officer and certified high intensity interval trainer. If you're looking to lose weight, get healthier, or save money on gym memberships by working out at home, then you've come to the right channel. I post workout videos three times a week with demonstrations on how to modify each to your current fitness level. No matter what shape you're currently in you can start today and change your life forever. Please like, subscribe, and ring that iron bell so you don’t miss any of my weekly uploads.

Elegant Natalia Sense will enchant you with her grace!


Hello Everyone! I am Natalia from Ukraine. Welcome to My Sport&Style Art Channel! I am a Creator of Yoga Art and Stretching Art. Yoga Art and Stretching Art has Become a Popular YouTube Trend Followed by Millions of Viewers Around the World and Copied by Millions of YouTube Channels! Inspired by Renaissance Beauty and Art, I am Combining as Visual Creative Arts — Stretching Skills and Yoga Exercises, Music and Fashion, Visual Design Ideas and More! Yoga and Art are the Best for Mind, Body and Soul. When Yoga is Art, Art is Yoga, Art is Our Life! And We are All — the Creators! I am Grateful to Every Subscriber of My Channel ❤️ Grateful to YouTube for Being the Best Platform in the Universe, for Being Universal Platform to Unite Hearts, Souls and Minds! I Believe Yoga, YouTube, Beauty and Art Always Unite Hearts! Support My Channel ❤️ PayPal ~ http://paypal.me/NataliyaSidoli Instagram ~ https://www.instagram.com/nataliasense/ My Published Books ~ https://linktr.ee/Nataliasense

Flexible yoga. contortion workout. split stretch. stretching for stretching legs feet. gymnastics


Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India. The word "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit word "yuj," which means to join or unite. The practice of yoga is designed to help individuals achieve a state of balance and harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. The physical practice of yoga involves a series of postures, or asanas, that are designed to stretch and strengthen the body, improve flexibility, and promote relaxation. Each posture is typically held for several breaths, and the practice is often accompanied by deep breathing exercises, known as pranayama. Beyond the physical benefits, the practice of yoga is also designed to promote mental and emotional well-being. It can help individuals reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and calm. There are many different styles of yoga, each with their own unique approach to the practice. Some styles, such as Hatha and Iyengar, focus more on the physical postures, while others, such as Kundalini and Bhakti, place more emphasis on spiritual and meditative practices. Overall, the practice of yoga is a holistic approach to health and wellness that can benefit individuals of all ages and abilities. With regular practice, it can help individuals achieve a greater sense of balance, harmony, and inner peace in their lives.

NB Vitality ~ LifeWave Patching, Testimonials, News


NB Vitality is an Independent LifeWave Brand Partner, helping others experience the amazing health and wellness benefits of LifeWave's phototherapy patches ~ a non-invasive alternative health care solution of the future. Start living healthier without the use of harmful drugs or chemicals. LEARN MORE: https://lifewave.com/NBVitality -------------------- DISCLAIMERS TESTIMONIALS: LifeWave patch testimonials and reviews are of a personal nature and all health and wellness benefits expressed, are unique to each user. Although LifeWave patches benefit greatly in health and wellness, LifeWave makes no guarantees for specific health conditions. MEDICAL ADVICE: LiveWave products are for general wellness and intended only to maintain or encourage a general state of health and wellness or healthy activity. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new health regimen, diet or fitness program. Do not disregard any medical advice you have received or delay in seeking it.

Zaby Milbath CH. - Vtuber


Mitad vaca, mitad vampiro. Zaby, mejor conocida como la reina inmortal. Recordada por liderar uno de los reinos más poderosos; Lactaria. En sus tiempos era aclamada y admirada como una líder nata, pero una maléfica bruja no pensaba lo mismo. Absorta y dominada por los celos, un día sorprendió a la reina en su recámara y la indujo a un profundo sueño. Cientos de años después, la reina despertó, en su castillo en ruinas, con ansias de recuperar lo que un día fue suyo. Confundida con el cambio de era, ahora debe adaptarse y volver a recuperar su gloria y la de su reino. Y te necesito para lograrlo.