Calvary Catalyst


With over a decade of experience practicing psychic development and 7 years as an ordained minister, Rev. Calvary Hope offers the catalytic advice needed to grow your soul. As an active psychic and student of Anthroposophy and Theosophy, she will offer you a broader lens of insight into your lived experience utilizing occult truths. Calvary Catalyst is your source of spiritual education, accountability and guidance back to your Christ power inside. Calvary is her name by birth. Calvary is the name of the execution grounds upon which Christ Jesus spilled his etheric blood in the Crucifixion. Thus, gifting us the ability to consciously collaborate with our evolution and embody the solar Christ impulse. We are called to be of service to the community through our individuated being and gifts. Your human body is a chrysalis for your eternal etheric body and requires active purification. Such purification is achieved in overcoming temptations and slaying the dragon within and without.

Calvary Prophecy Report


I have been teaching Bible prophecy and how it relates to current events for nearly two decades. You can find me listed on Who's Who In Bible Prophecy as one of the top Bible prophecy experts of our generation. I am an author, teacher, speaker and founder of My website provides Biblical insight into current world events and prophecy updates that keep you informed as to where we are on God's prophetic calendar. I emphasize a pre-tribulation rapture of the church and the soon coming seven-year peace treaty with Israel. I have authored and charted a chronological timeline that details the events of the tribulation period, Millennium, judgments, and the Eternal State. I also have a tribulation period survival section for those left behind. This channel is dedicated to teaching the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and presenting videos that describe the signs leading up to the rapture and events of the tribulation period.