VanWhiskey Alpha Citizen (1099s)


VanWhiskey is the Operations Leader for the Freelancer division of the Alpha Citizen Escort Service (The 1099's). I stream live gameplay in Star Citizen as well as post occasional edited videos. My play style is diverse, actively participating in Bounty Hunting of both players and NPCs, bunker missions, delivery, trading, and anti-piracy actions. I typically run with my org mates but run solo sometimes. My org practices tight comms during some events and informal comms often. We always try to help new players when we can. If you are looking for an org to run with, check us out. If you don't have a Star Citizen account yet, create one using my referral code: STAR-SMKD-5KFK This code will give you an extra 5000 aUEC (starting cash), and if applicable, any current promotional offerings in the referral program. Check out for details. If you are interested in joining the org, check us out here: I also post on YouTube occasionally at and



Alphas Only Club is a Community of Men who seek the Truth and Want to Better Themselves. We Stand for what we Believe and we don't Compromise our Principles or Values for Anyone. You will Learn How to Get the Women & Lifestyle YOU WANT. Logan Duong shows Men How To Have Happy and Healthy Relationships with Women. We are in a Time Period of Weak Men which Causes Guys to Simp and Girls to have Daddy Issues. MAKE MEN & WOMEN GREAT AGAIN! My mission is to help the weak, insecure, needy beta males also known as SIMPS. Today, most young men have this politically correct mindset. I'm teaching beta males to unlock their true inner alpha and become a 3% Man."The 3% man is one of the three men out of 100 that a woman meets and is drawn to because he understands who she is, and better yet, understands who he is." - Corey Wayne

Alpha Awakenings


Welcome to Alpha Awakenings, the ultimate destination for those seeking to explore the profound depths of spiritual growth, self-realization, and the transformative power of consciousness. Our channel is dedicated to unveiling the mysteries of existence, drawing from the wisdom of ancient civilizations, cutting-edge scientific insights, and transcendent spiritual perspectives like those of the Pleiadeans. Alpha Awakenings is a beacon for those who are ready to step beyond the ordinary and awaken to their highest potential. Our content delves into topics such as the role of suffering in spiritual advancement, the power of the Law of Attraction, the concept of life scripts, and the potential for transcending suffering from any density. We explore the multi-dimensional aspects of existence, and the interconnectedness of all life. At Alpha Awakenings, we believe that we are not victims of our circumstances, but creators of our own reality. We aim to empower our viewers with the knowledge and tools to take control of their lives, alter their frequency, and change their experiences. We emphasize the importance of self-awareness, self-forgiveness, and the ability to break the cycle of reincarnation. Join us on this journey of awakening as we explore the depths of consciousness, the mysteries of the universe, and the power of the human spirit. Subscribe to Alpha Awakenings and step into your power as a creator of your reality. Awaken to your Alpha state, where you are in control, where you are the source, and where you are the change you wish to see in the world.

Alpha Day Trading Verified


Welcome to "The Pre Market Rundown Show" - The Most Informative and Educational Packed Live Streams To Help You Trade Successfully! 📈💥 👉🏼 Learn more about our private coaching programs Are you ready to take your trading to the next level? Join us live every weekday at 8:30AM for the most crucial market insights, market analysis, and personal stock/option trade plans for the day! 🚀 In this episode of "The Pre Market Rundown Show," we'll cover: 🔍 Pre-market news and updates to get you ahead of the curve. 📊 Market analysis and trade setups. 📉 Trade plans on my top 3 stock and option plays for the day. 💬 Live Q&A sessions to answer YOUR burning questions.

Rafael Felipe - AlphaCripto


ANÁLISES, TUTORIAIS E OPERAÇÕES FINANCEIRAS DIÁRIAS AO VIVO DENTRO DO UNIVERSO CRIPTO (BITCOIN, ALTCOINS, DEFI, METAVERSO E GAMECOINS) S&P500, IBOVESPA E DAS PRINCIPAIS BOLSAS DE VALORES ESPALHADAS PELO MUNDO! Canal idealizado por um Advogado, Pós Graduado em Economia com Especialização em Blockchain Objetivo: Registro de Análises Gráficas e Fundamentalistas do Mercado Financeiro, com foco no Mercado de CriptoMoedas / CriptoAtivos / Ativos Digitais Aqui não tem mágica, não tem esquema, não tem pirâmide, apenas MUITO, MAS MUITO TRABALHO, ESTUDO, EMPENHO, DEDICAÇÃO E PAIXÃO POR ECONOMIA. ⚠ Atenção: As análises técnicas e fundamentadas comentadas neste canal são para fins de estudo e aprendizado. Não faço recomendações de compra ou venda, não faço indicação de investimentos. ⚠ NUNCA JAMAIS entre neste mercado sem estudo e/ou colocando um valor que lhe será necessário, principalmente no curto prazo.