Technology Reviews, Tips, and PC Builds


Jon started building computers and PC gaming as a young kid. He started his first computer business in 1995 while still in high school, selling custom-built computers to doctors in the 386/486 days. He would go to LAN parties where they would setup an adhoc 10 Mbps network to play Doom, Quake, Tribes - and whatever else could be downloaded on a 28.8k modem at the time. He went on to be one of the founding employees at the first private internet service provider in his rural area. He taught people how to use computers and early internet browsing on the radio as “The Net Guy” in the late 1990s. After a 20-year hiatus, in early 2019, he resurrected “The Net Guy” brand and began producing helpful YouTube technology videos and technology product reviews. He resides in the Pacific Northwest and must share his fiber internet feed with his five kids.



About I am Mat Armstrong from Leicester UK. Follow me as i build & modify cars. I dont really specialise in any manufacture of car, neither am i professionally trained, just a regular guy winging it as i go along restoring each car with my own personal touch (even if that means getting the angle grinder out) I hope my content brings a smile to your face and maybe inspires you to get on the spanners yourself. There would be no point in me listing what car i own at the moment as i switch and change so often, but you are likely to see Audi's, Mercedes, VW, Maserati's, Bentleys & more. I do like German engineering but im not scared to give the others a try 😆 At the end of the day im here for a good time & never take things too seriously so enjoy!! Mat Armstrong

iCoat Products for Builders, Artists, and Network


Tradesmen, Installers, Distributors. Own Your Piece of the Booming Home Improvement Market. Join the decorative concrete, epoxy countertops, and flooring iCoat Network. iCoat Products are proudly manufactured in the USA. A premier line of epoxy and decorative concrete for use in residential, commercial, and industrial applications for the Builder, Contractor, DIY, and Artist with support, training, and more. Call Us at 1-602-258-1114 We love talking about our epoxy resin, concrete products, and exclusive network advantages. Sign up to receive our weekly job leads insights report “Who is making money doing what and where? Headquarters: 877-669-1110 Email: iCoat Products make your living spaces beautiful.



A captivating podcast where thought-provoking discussions and inspiring stories unfold. During difficult times, Keith offers hope and practical tips using valuable insights and fresh perspectives. Here you will find content to give you skills and motivation to get in the game, whether you are a church trying to connect with those outside its walls or an individual seeking a better future for your family. In each episode, Keith brings in thought leaders who will explore leadership principles, examine cultural shifts, and address social issues. Whether you're listening to Keith or interacting with him, you'll feel as if you're having an enriching conversation with a friend with insights into the world. Join us on our podcast journey of personal growth, empowerment, and inspiration by subscribing.

Bodybuilders Gym TV Worldwide, Boxing club 2012_13


6 months Documentary Bodylines gym 2012-2013. With a lot happening that was life changing to some people during that time. I spent 6 months a Bodylines gym making a Documentary on the life at the gym. I had been recording Plymouth Amateur Bodybuilding championships for a few years.,. The aim was to follow some people through to the annual competition. Bodylines Gym had been the main sponsor in the past. Thanks to the gym I was able to do that. It became a much bigger projects, and I thank everyone involved. Follow LOVE SummerTime TV Magazine Worldwide

Transformiere dein Bewusstsein - Geistiges Heilen der neuen Zeit


Heilkraft finden und erkennen Die Deutsche Heilerschule U.G. in Seefeld im Großraum München genießt vor allem durch ihre renommierten und geprüften Dozenten ein hohes Ansehen und Anerkennung im weiten Feld der Geistheilung in Deutschland. Die Verbindung von Spiritualität und Naturwissenschaft ist unser Ziel. Nicht viele Geistheiler-Schulen liegen in einer so traumhaften Umgebung wie die unsere. Die direkte Nähe zum wunderschönen Ammersee in Oberbayern lässt viel Raum für Spiritualität, innere Einkehr und Entspannung bei der Teilnahme an unseren vielfältigen Angeboten. Ob Sie sich für eine Geistheiler-Ausbildung oder Quantenheilung interessieren oder an einer Massageausbildung teilnehmen möchten - unsere Seminare und Schulungen halten sicherlich das Richtige für Sie bereit. Spiritualität und Heilung Das Thema Geistheilung gewinnt in unserer hektischen und technischen Zeit immer mehr an Bedeutung. In jedem von uns schlummert eine spirituelle Begabung, sie muss nur erkannt und gefördert werden. Unsere Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten in Seefeld im Bereich der Geistheilung, Quantenheilung und Geistheiler-Ausbildung sind vielfältig und zielführend. Ein großes spirituelles Spektrum der Geistheiler-Schulen wird hierbei abgedeckt. Unsere Ausbildung zur Quantenheilung ist genauso zertifiziert wie die Geistheiler-Ausbildung oder die Massageausbildung. Alle Heilerausbildungen werden durch ein Zertifikat beglaubigt. Die Ausbildung zur Geistheilung und der Quantenheilung sowie die Massageausbildung schließen nach erfolgreicher Prüfung mit dem Zertifikat der DHS ab. Wir informieren Sie gerne über die Möglichkeiten einer Geistheiler-Ausbildung an unserer Schule in Seefeld.