Mama Grizzly's preparing for anything!


We are looking forward to hosting classes fresh off the farm in whatever self reliant skills you would like to learn more about - cultured milk products, including yogurt, sour cream, cheeses; herbal medicine making; gardening; first aid; making your own laundry and personal soap, and other personal care items; canning; dehydrating; freeze drying; etc., etc. To help you be a little more self reliant and prepared for...well, just about anything!

Do you need MOTIVATION?


My mission is to inspire and empower you to reach your full potential and achieve your wildest dreams. Whether you're looking for practical tips to improve your productivity and time management, or need a little push to overcome your fears and take that first step towards your goals, my channel is here to support you every step of the way. My engaging and uplifting videos will share stories of triumph over adversity, quotes from successful people from all walks of life, and powerful motivational speeches that will light a fire within you. If you're ready to embark on a journey of personal growth and transformation, subscribe to my channel today and join our community of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to living their best lives. Let's inspire and motivate each other to reach new heights of success and fulfillment! Be sure to subscribe! #motivation #success #motivationforsuccess #nevergiveup #followyourdreams #2023mindset #personaldevelopment

Bipolar Boss


Bipolar Boss is a channel, community, and lifestyle for those ready to navigate their mood disorder like a boss. Together, we’re learning to better control the chaos and take charge of mental health. Whether you’re living with bipolar like host Tasia, managing another mood disorder, or supporting a loved one, subscribe now to join Tasia on her journey. She shares her insights, struggles, and strategies for managing life’s ups and downs. You can also sign up for updates and our Bipolar Boss discussion group at

João Viola


A Armunia Viola é uma escola prática de magia que foi criada com o objectivo de difundir a cultura espiritualizada pelo planeta. Para o despertar gradual de cura emocional, espiritual, física e planetária. Convido quem se sente tocado por essa energia a explorar o autoconhecimento e busca pelo despertar de consciência. São diversos assuntos que irão ajudá-lo a expandir os seus conhecimentos e a conectá-lo com os planos subtis. Conheça os cursos ministrados por mim que têm como função expandir os conhecimentos sobre técnicas energéticas e espiritualidade. E auxiliar a humanidade na reconexão com sua essência criacional, suas realidades superiores de luz, seu Eu Superior, para o verdadeiro despertar consciencial. “Criar, ensinar, curar...”