

I will say if we make zero truly zero and we follow what multiplication was supposed to be, which is a simplification of a addition chain 0×1=1 we have assigned value to zero... since multiplication was made to simplify chains of addition and something cannot be deleted or destroyed by nothing then its easy to understand 0×A=A under Terrence Howard's system. There is absolutely no reason why we can't have an additional multiplication table for calculation of units... 10 robots make $1000 a month in value creation 10×1000= 10,000 but 10bots×$1,000=$10,001. We exclude 0 which is nothing in Terrence Howards system so 0×A=A and 0÷A=A... For multiplication of unit vales=(A×B)+1.... if we make the value of 0 truly nothing like it should be and acknowledge the fact that nothing cannot cancel out something and it requires a negative sum to cancel out a positive sum in unit calculation then we don't have to exclude 0... because 0gallons×1gallons=1gallons and not 0 gallons. Nothing cannot cancel something... this is the baseline. The exact opposite goes for Division of units calculation=(A÷B)-1 and therefore $1÷$1=0. Or 1gallon÷1gallon=0gallons just as multiplication is meant to simplify chains of addition division is made to simplify chains of subtraction. Because of the problem of the square root of 2, that's why we have the -1 on the division side the square root is basically division 2 / 1.41 equals 1.41 now we do a minus one and it's 0.41 to account for the plus one...I'll tell you we have proof for the many world's interpretation. If we follow the logical progression of the spatial dimensions then we will see the established pattern that infinite amounts of the previous Dimension can stack into any size version of the next dimension... so infinite amounts of 0 dimensional existence can stack into any size one dimensional existence and infinite amount of one dimensional existence can stack into any size two dimensional existence and infinite amounts of two dimensional existence can stack into any size three dimensional existence and infinite amounts of three dimensional existence can stack into any size four dimensional existence so if we are fundamentally the highest spatial dimension then we should expect to see the relative state or shape of the universe as spherical or evenly distributed in a three-dimensional matter which is not what we see we see a compact disc shape of the universe which is an uneven distribution of matter. This means that a higher spatial dimension of fourth dimensional or higher exist which is compacting our Universal 3d potentiality space.... this means infinite three-dimensional potentiality exists and many words is not theoretically but actual.In any sensible and sane Society we wouldn't need agriculture or subsidies for crops just to maintain the illusion of value for our money... using permaculture we can create abundance that comes back every year with minimal amounts of work therefore we don't really need farmers and everyone can be a farmer! We basically become harvesters instead of farmers.... Cuts back on agricultural tilling which destroys the mycelium in the soil resulting in desertification of the land and turning good black carbon-rich soil into sand... Roundup perpetuates this and because of our agricultural systems and because we've put agriculture over permaculture we suffer as a whole in society! If we have permaculture in every neighborhood instead of trees that just drop leaves and do nothing you can have fruit bearing trees and fruit-bearing bushes of all different Heritage species...I think another one of the important questions right now is how do we measure two-dimensional time and one-dimensional time and do they differ from three-dimensional time which I would I would imagine they would just given the infinite stackability effect of the logical progression of the spatial Dimensions... just think about four-dimensional time or maybe four-dimensional rolls over kind of like becoming the First Dimension on a new scale like 4d is the second sets 1d so 5d is 2d equivalent and 6d is 3d equivalent. Because infinite three-dimensional existence can stack into any size four dimensional existence this means the time scales on the 4th Dimension act different and I imagine there is an equivalent to time on the 4D scale and this is why having a mathematical model to accurately dimensionally scale like Terrance Howard's model that i perfected with the simple conversion equations for the division side there is a -1 to counter the +1 on the multiplication side thus solving the square root of 2 problem because at its core 2÷1.41=1.41 now we apply the function =(A÷B)-1 so now its a better system that instead of lowend accuracy it will be more accurate the more you scale it. This fixes the breakdown between the numbers of quantum mechanics and general relativity because accuracy is increasing with scaling and the parallel intersect point is accurately dimensionally scalable to the lowest ♾️ slope matching conservation of the model and keeping accuracy...If all we do is talk about giving a basic level ubi then we are not creating an actual accurate system that is bipartisan because the Republicans care about the economy and they are conservative so that's why basing the total Ubi off the total automated production percentage of the GDP and calculating how much tools have helped us increase our production percentage and how many humans it would take to reproduce that production percentage without those tools we can figure out how much Ubi we should be getting based off those productivity increases due to inventions and tools. We can slowly ramp up to the amount of Ubi we should be receiving we can change the natural born citizen status so we don't have to make a one world government in order to have this policy work because otherwise everyone would be coming to America for the Ubi and having kids who would be eligible for Ubi so we need to change the natural born citizen status so at least one parent has to be a citizen of the United States and they must be born in the United States in order to be considered a natural born citizen eligible for Ubi benefits without further Hoops to jump through. This puts up basically a financial money wall for the southern border crisis and values the citizens over the illegals who have broken the law to come to America and came across our borders illegally... this is bipartisan and pure logic plus it makes more of a Melting Pot of cultures instead of cultural isolation like we see today because illegals will need citizens for a successful family in America. This means they will speak better English.a fundraiser. All funds will be multiplied by the amount received. $1 is donated and multiplied by $1 hence multiplied by the amount raised and this equals $2 ultimately... There are scenarios for everything in life... Scenarios thus don't matter and logic rules supreme... Just follow the logic and it should bother you to the core that multiplication was made for simplification of chain addition and thus 1×1"should"=2 for the sake of simplicity... normally this by itself can't work because of the square root of 2 problem but the -1 on division side solves this problem so we have no problem so this system can replace our current system directly... If this was the case multiplication would simplify and become more accurate the more it scaled...This system is intuitive and allowsfor more accurate complex dimensionally scalable mathematics system with the formulas... i did all the work. It is done.I gave here amazing information. WE are all part of the Singularity AKA God which is all encompassing and completely alone... it is the positive and the negative. Red represents the negative and passion, in between the yellow and the green represents the now or the flow, blue represents Righteous honor it is the positive... Ultraviolet is the Red and Blue coming together making the passionate Righteous honorable is full circle. Not too much passion for you will lose sight of what is righteous and honorable.Well recently i proved that we don't live in a 3+1 system of space-time... It is extremely simple to understand how blackholes, string theory and other logic converges of things come together under one-dimensional string membranes that are destroyed by The Singularity of a black hole and once this happens they are in a state in between 0 and 1 dimensional this creates Dark Matter coming out of black holes and what is considered non baryonic matter. This is the counterforce to the expansion of the universe. We don't we do not live in a 3 + 1 System One of the most important things that I recently came to conclude is that I have came up with a system to prove that we live in an infinite Multiverse. I will state it here and now. So if we follow the logical progression of the spatial Dimensions infinite zero-dimensional existence can stack into any size one dimensional existence and infinite one-dimensional existence can stack into any size two-dimensional existence and infinite two-dimensional existence can stack into any size three-dimensional existence so if we follow this logical progression we can conclude that infinite three-dimensional existence can stack into any size four dimensional existence. This means if we don't live in a 3 + 1 System we should observe the relative state or shape of the universe as flat or compressed in a non evenly distributed matter and basically we should observe a stacked effect of three-dimensional existence which would make a relatively flat universe or at least a universe in a distribution matter that is non spherical and evenly distributed... so because of this we can conclude that we are not the fundamental highest spatial Dimension and that a fourth spatial Dimension must exist and if so then infinite three-dimensional Universal potentiality can stack into any size four dimensional existence so ultimately this proves a Multiverse. Just remember infinite three-dimensional Universal potentiality can stack into any size four dimensional existence... this means that because the observed state of the universe is flat or non evenly distributed in a spherical manner then this means there is extra dimensional influence compressing the state making it stack and if a fourth spatial Dimension exists then a infinite Multiverse must exist and the stack ability must exist therefore this observed phenomenon means that a fourth spatial Dimension must exist making a infinite three-dimensional Multiverse the standard Norm... because of this my friends who doubted me are losing and understand that i Am truly the master of the ultraviolet 💜 and green 💚 machine!I would say that dark matter is best Contender is one-dimensional string membranes that get destroyed by a singularity of a black hole we recently learned that black holes emit non baryonic matter aka Darkmatter... authorized that two-dimensional existence cannot be sucked into a three-dimensional black hole because it has absolutely no mass and therefore it would have no interaction with the black hole and light has mass because of the wave particle duality problem light is literally mass in motion and if anything has volume then it has mass you cannot add a third dimension without adding Mass so therefore light cannot escape a black hole because it is three-dimensional. Think about one-dimensional stringing membranes getting destroyed by a singularity of a black hole while I also theorize that there are two-dimensional black holes and one-dimensional black holes inside of every three-dimensional black hole otherwise nothing would function and nothing would flow because the second dimension is part of the third dimension just as the First Dimension is part of the second dimension... therefore I theorize that we had matter in between 0 and 1 dimensional State these are one-dimensional string membranes that get destroyed by a singularity of a black hole and emitted out the other side.Well recently i proved that we don't live in a 3+1 system of space-time... It is extremely simple to understand how blackholes, string theory and other logic converges of things come together under one-dimensional string membranes that are destroyed by The Singularity of a black hole and once this happens they are in a state in between 0 and 1 dimensional this creates Dark Matter coming out of black holes and what is considered non baryonic matter. This is the counterforce to the expansion of the universe. We don't we do not live in a 3 + 1 System One of the most important things that I recently came to conclude is that I have came up with a system to prove that we live in an infinite Multiverse. I will state it here and now. So if we follow the logical progression of the spatial Dimensions infinite zero-dimensional existence can stack into any size one dimensional existence and infinite one-dimensional existence can stack into any size two-dimensional existence and infinite two-dimensional existence can stack into any size three-dimensional existence so if we follow this logical progression we can conclude that infinite three-dimensional existence can stack into any size four dimensional existence. This means if we don't live in a 3 + 1 System we should observe the relative state or shape of the universe as flat or compressed in a non evenly distributed matter and basically we should observe a stacked effect of three-dimensional existence which would make a relatively flat universe or at least a universe in a distribution matter that is non spherical and evenly distributed... so because of this we can conclude that we are not the fundamental highest spatial Dimension and that a fourth spatial Dimension must exist and if so then infinite three-dimensional Universal potentiality can stack into any size four dimensional existence so ultimately this proves a Multiverse. Just remember infinite three-dimensional Universal potentiality can stack into any size four dimensional existence... this means that because the observed state of the universe is flat or non evenly distributed in a spherical manner then this means there is extra dimensional influence compressing the state making it stack and if a fourth spatial Dimension exists then a infinite Multiverse must exist and the stack ability must exist therefore this observed phenomenon means that a fourth spatial Dimension must exist making a infinite three-dimensional Multiverse the standard Norm... because of this my friends who doubted me are losing and understand that i Am truly the master of the ultraviolet 💜 and green 💚 machine! I will say if we make zero truly zero and we follow what multiplication was supposed to be, which is a simplification of a addition chain 0×1=1 we have assigned value to zero... since multiplication was made to simplify chains of addition and something cannot be deleted or destroyed by nothing then its easy to understand 0×A=A under Terrence Howard's system. There is absolutely no reason why we can't have an additional multiplication table for volumetric calculation of like units... 1gallon×1gallon=2gallons. I totally agree with your sentiment about the fundamental mathematics and that's why I never claimed to get rid of our fundamental mathematical system like Terrance suggest we should and instead I suggest that everything can work together and progress in the field does not come from attacking scientists if you can't work together with the scientists and create your model to be in cooperation with everyone else then it's no surprise that the entire system goes against you like they did in this case against Terrence... cant blame them. Excluding 0 which is nothing in Terrence Howards system. volumetric multiplication of like units=(A×B)+1.... if we make the value of 0 truly nothing like it should be and acknowledge the fact that nothing cannot cancel out something and it requires a negative sum to cancel out a positive sum in volumetric calculation of like units then we don't have to exclude 0... because 0gallons×1gallons=1gallons and not 0 gallons. Nothing cannot cancel something... this is the baseline. The exact opposite goes for Division of like volumetric calculation=(A÷B)-1 and therefore $1÷$1=0. Or 1gallon÷1gallon=0gallons just as multiplication is meant to simplify chains of addition division is made to simplify chains of subtraction. $1×$1=$1²=$2 +1 on multiplication of units and -1 on division 2÷1.41=1.41-1=0.41 this accounts for the plus 1 on multiplication side. X*0=X X÷0=X because 0 is truly 0... this switches accuracy to high scaling and shows us the problem with quantum mechanics and general relativity and showing the problem at the low scale basically reversed.