

🔥NOTICIAS 🔥 GUIAS🔥GAMEPLAYS 🔥 ANÁLISIS 🔥 STREAMS 🔥 Y MUCHO MÁS 🔥 ¡Bienvenid@ a 2playermx donde tu eres mi segundo jugador! Si has llegado hasta aquí es porque quieres mejorar en algún juego, quieres informarte sobre la industria de los videojuegos ,quieres ver si un juego vale la pena o más. Aquí encontrarás todo lo necesario para que mejores en tu juego favorito, las mejores estrategias y sobre todo un gran humor para que te diviertas en cada uno de los vídeos. ¡No pierdas mas tiempo, SUSCRÍBETE AHORA MISMO y conviértete en mi segundo jugador!

Handpan Music by legendary Handpan Player Davide Swarup


Davide Swarup is a renowned handpan player and musician from Italy. He has gained international recognition for his unique and mesmerizing style of playing this rare instrument. The handpan is a steel percussion instrument that produces soothing and ethereal sounds. Davide's music is deeply rooted in spirituality and his performances are known to transport audiences to a state of tranquility and inner peace. With his passionate and intuitive approach to music, he effortlessly weaves together different melodies and rhythms, creating a harmonious and captivating experience for his listeners. Davide's talent as a musician extends beyond his technical skills; he possesses a deep understanding of the power of music to heal and connect people on a profound level. Through his music, Davide Swarup continues to inspire and touch the hearts of people all around the world. www.davideswarup.com

Templayer's Old Gaming Corner


A lower quality old gaming footage (when compared with the Templayer's Retro Gaming Guild channel). Bad video quality, bad audio quality, horrible microphone quality (if even available at all!), a lousy boring commentary - you name it, we have it! CZ: Templayerův Starý Herní Koutek Staré nahrávky z her nízké kvality (ve srovnání s kanálem Retro Gaming Guild). Špatná kvalita videa, špatná kvalita audia, strašná kvalita mikrofonu (pokud byl vůbec nahráván), špatný a nudný komentář - co si řeknete, to máme!