Samorealizacija je zakon


Na tem kanalu govorimo o samorealizaciji, osebni rasti, zdravljenju duše in telesa. Smisel iščemo v odgovorih na vprašanja. Kdo smo, kaj smo, kje smo, kdaj smo? Kaj je to čemur pravimo naš svet, kaj je to čemur pravimo realnost? Mi si delimo zgodbe, izkušnje, menja, vizijo. Mi pravimo ne hvala tistemu, kar nam ne služi več in sprejemamo vse tisto, kar nam pomaga na naši poti. Mi nismo na tem svetu zato, da bi trpeli, prestajali, se podrejali in životarili. Živi smo zato, ker hočemo ustvarjati, uživati, ljubiti, deliti, rasti, se razvijati. Živimo zato, da bi se lahko resnično počutili žive!

Self-Realization Rocks


This channel is about self-realization, personal growth, spiritual and physical healing. It’s about discovering who we are, what our world is and what this reality is made of. We share our stories, our experiences, our thoughts, out vision. We say no thank you to what does not serve us and we say yes to what it does. Because, we were not born to suffer, to endure, to submit, to survive. We are alive because we want to create, to enjoy, to love, to share, to grow, to evolve. To really feel alive!

Digital Sculpting, Design and Visualization in Automotive


Welcome to Digital Dominion, where automotive design meets digital innovation in the exhilarating realm of supercars and hypercars. At Digital Dominion, we are passionate about pushing the boundaries of design and technology to create unparalleled digital content that captures the essence of high-performance automotive masterpieces. Whether it's rendering lifelike 3D models, designing interactive virtual showrooms, or creating captivating promotional content, we pride ourselves on delivering unparalleled quality and attention to detail. Our commitment to staying at the forefront of technology allows us to leverage the latest advancements in virtual reality, augmented reality, and digital artistry to redefine the standards of automotive design representation.