Public Safety Equipment Market Audit


We will explore the pubic safety vehicle equipment market, manufacturers, bidding, competition, contracts, suppliers, ethics, pricing. Exploring the world of police vehicles, specialty vehicle equipment and accessories. We will explore the space of ambulance & fire manufacturers. How much can you make in this industry? The technology involved, gimmicks, and expose how the market works. We will Calm the Chaos and make complex things simple. Whelen Engineering, Havis, Progard, Motorola, Ford Interceptor Utility, Chevrolet Tahoe, Federal Signal, Gamber, Jotto, SoundOff Signal, Tomar Electronics, FAMA, NFPA, HiViz, Code3, Rigid, Hella, Setina

Auditory Ecstasy


Background noise helps many zone out and fall asleep faster. Auditory Ecstasy was created to provide various genres of background noise videos that will last throughout your sleep experience. Explore our channel to find your perfect background noise. Try these videos while studying, relaxing or working at the office. Enjoy you fall in the trip! All video/audio recordings on Auditory Ecstasy are copyrighted by Eagle Bradley Productions LLC unless otherwise stated and are intended for personal use only. Commercial use by unauthorized third parties is not permitted.

Freeland audits Verified


Welcome to Freeland Audits where I audit government officials and promote transparency, honesty and education throughout our government and communities. The main goal of this channel is for education purposes only. I'm a new auditor in Georgia, I help citizens, law enforcement and other government official learn, respect and honor our constitutional rights. I do this with respect and de-escalation techniques to remain professional and calm when I do encounter governmental TYRANTS. Grab a bag of chips and sit back and enjoy