BygoneLife -- Come back with us


Visit In many ways, past eras are like different worlds. The people of the past dressed differently, used different technology and lived their everyday lives in very different ways. At Bygone Life, we believe that the best way to understand the past is by experiencing it the way that it was, through the artifacts that remain and the testimony of those who lived their lives. there. Our intent is to recreate the worlds of the past with the bits and pieces that remain.

Feito a Mão


Olá amigos! Sou Analuz! Hoje vim trazer para vocês um trabalho feito à mão Nesse canal podemos encontrar o passo a passo de trabalhos manuais, como crochê, costura, dicas do lar e receitas básicas para o seu dia a dia Espero que eu tenha ajudado de alguma forma e que vocês gostem do conteúdo Peço que não se esqueçam de se inscrever no canal para que eu possa sempre trazer novidades para vocês Um forte abraço e até o próximo vídeo, se Deus quiser Muito obrigado Hello friends! I'm Analuz! Today I came to bring you a handmade work In this channel we can find the step-by-step manual work, such as crochet, sewing, home tips and basic recipes for your day to day. I hope I helped in some way and that you like the content. I ask that you do not forget to subscribe to the channel so that I can always bring you news. A big hug and until the next video, God willing Thank you very much



Welcome to our eclectic corner of the internet! 🌟 Our Rumble channel is a treasure trove of randomness, designed to surprise, entertain, and captivate your imagination. If you're tired of the mundane and yearn for the unexpected, you've stumbled upon the right place. Dive into a kaleidoscope of content where every click leads you to a new adventure. From bizarre experiments that defy logic to heartwarming moments that restore your faith in humanity, our channel is a rollercoaster ride through the realms of curiosity. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the universe in one video and explore the art of making the perfect grilled cheese sandwich in the next. Our content defies categorization because we believe that life's most beautiful moments are found in its diversity. Whether you're a curious wanderer seeking knowledge or just looking to unwind with some offbeat humor, our channel offers something for everyone. Embark on a journey of surprise as we explore the uncharted territories of creativity, leav



日本と日本の文化が大好きWimです。将来日本に住みたいので大好きな日本が変わって欲しくないので、ヨーロッパと米国の裏のニュースを伝えたいです。 日本語下手ですが頑張って日本語で伝えます。日本の状況も知りたいのでコメントで色々教えて下さい。 経歴 10年ほど、某ヨーロッパエネルギー会社にて通信、法律、貿易の部署で働いていました。 現在、銀行員。投資、経済専門、10年以上 英語、フランス語、オランダ語と日本語話せます。 ドイツ語とスペイン語は少しだけ出来ます。 趣味 日本のアニメ、漫画が好き過ぎて漫画とアニメのYoutubeチャンネルも作りました (漫画男)。 そっちは英語で説明していますが、字幕も付いているので良かったらそれも見て下さい。