Red Soul


I am Kristina Brazil from Chicago, IL but currently live in north Texas. Creating a website has been on my heart for quite some time. Generally, people have a negative outlook on conservatives with the rumor that we are not tolerate, bible loving gun owners. As some of that may be true in regards to religious freedom and gun rights, we are decent citizens who love our country. The objective of Red Soul is for conservative to not be ashamed to express our beliefs due to the increase of liberal ideology.



Welcome to Exquizit relaxing sounds, the home of the world’s best relaxing sounds. Our purpose and passion is to help you relax, unwind and rejuvenate through better sleep, reduced stress, greater concentration and improved mental wellness. Our world-class composers produce relaxing sounds with binaural beats and state-enhancing frequencies to help you relax, sleep, focus, meditate and heal. We combine our music with imagery from the world’s most beautiful locations, ensuring that you will feel a sense of deep relaxation whilst watching them. In addition to our own compositions, we also produce music videos from top classical composers such as Mozart and Bach. Subscribe to become part of the Exquizit relaxing sounds community and escape the stresses of day-to-day life. I invite you to email us with suggestions and business inquiries and join us on social media. Thank you for your support!

Warrior | Mind Body & Soul Verified


We are a group of Christian men who are unashamedly fighting back. We understand the secular world is demonizing the natural order. The globalists want you to be isolated, fat, sick, ignorant and depressed - the better to control you and milk you for everything your worth while posing zero threat to their regime. There has been a terrifying drop in testosterone and sperm counts. Men and Masculinity as a result have retreated into pathetic spaces. Man Caves...fat men on the couch watching men athletic men having adventures for them while their own kids are being indoctrinated against their own strength.

The TRUTH About Everything


See description box's for the 8 FUNDAMENTAL TRUTHS #TEAMYAHAWASHAI shares. I have proven that the Earth is a PLANE. NOT A "planet"! I am deeply spiritual. I worship the Creator of this world YaHaWaHa, who is the Elohim of the Bible, and his son our Savior Yahawashai (the name jesus was created in the 1600's by the jesuits after the letter "J" was created). I also know that this "reality" is not the one described by kabbalistic materiality, and that it is more accurately described as a VIRTUAL REALITY/SIMULATION/ or REALM. I started my channel in 2012 and chose the name Awake Souls with the purpose of waking people up to the true nature of Earth, and who the CREATOR our world is.

Soul Fire Ascension With Raven and Lisa Lovelight


Mirror Mirror on the wall can you tell us the truth of it all. Welcome to Soul Fire Ascension with Raven and Jessamy As children we are not responsible for the programming we received, however as adults it is our responsibility to unlearn what we have learned and discover the real truth. It is our goal to awaken and activate others by deconstructing the programming. Expose others to different modalities of healing arts and education of ancient beliefs as well as new ones. Helping others realize who they are. helping others to connect with their higher selves and realize the God or Goddess dwells within us all. To reveal to the collective, source and the laws of one. To help others realize that we are self-healing. To help others to walk a path of beauty and love. When we heal ourselves, we heal our ancestors and future generations. Please share and subscribe and don’t miss out !

The Soul Call with Kelly B


Welcome to a hive of soul-fuelled conversations to inspire and capture your heart with your host, Kelly Butchart. If you are looking for deeper meaning in your life and searching for inspiration on how to live a life of joy, peace, fulfilment and harmony then listen in. These conversations will re-awaken you to your own brilliance and Divineness and help lead you forward to embrace your soul into BEing who you really came here to BE. Kelly and SPECIAL GUESTS will help you to LEARN more about the importance of raising your consciousness to align with a new 5D way of life through the power of your heart.From Head-teacher to Heart-teacher, Kelly now passionately supports women to live, learn and lead from their soul and to fully embody their SOUL GENIUS®. The world needs us in our Soul Power more than ever!You can find more about me and the work I do here: (under construction)



Mark Borax founded Soul Level Astrology in 1987. Its roots grew out of the pioneering 20th Century astrology movement led by Dane Rudyhar and Marc Edmund Jones. These visionaries fundamentally shifted the understanding of astrology from being a fixed system of meanings to an organic, living system where the stars come alive. Mark's system draws upon the insights of Ellias Lonsdale, a student of Jones and Rudyar. In the 90's, Mark began his apprenticeship with Lonsdale. He has spent over 35 years practicing with tools he's learned and developed. Mark's first book 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future, tells how Lonsdale and Borax birthed a new astrology. It's called Star Genesis, the foundation of Mark's Soul Level Astrology. Mark's new book The Ruby Heart of the Dragon: Sun Signs for our Times revamps the zodiac. ​This soul-level view turns around stuck behavior patterns to a cosmic quest for meaning. It helps us to know that, however strange life gets, however cut off we may feel, however small we may shrink in the face of dilemma, we are nevertheless part of some greater evolutionary force that cannot be stopped. This macrocosmic organism functions better when we awaken to our part. When we awaken to our place in the grand design we lift our sights out of pettiness and mediocrity to the mythopoetic adventure of the well-lived life.