

Wow nature relaxation is a Rumble channel created with cinematic and high-definition videos to engage my viewers in the sights and sounds of beautiful natural destinations from around the world. This channel denotes a hybrid mix of art, relaxation, entertainment, social engagement and therapy. Each video is designed to lower stress naturally by infusing a sense of calm, soothing and awe in viewers through the use of guided imagery and nature sounds, with the addition of relaxing ambient music

Services Dogs Training


In service dogs, people with disabilities are provided with help. The training involved preparing these animals to understand. In hospitals, homes, grocery stores, and other public places. The socialization and obedience training of a service dog must be intensive. Before being placed with its handler, it usually takes 2-3 years. As well as basic commands like "sit" and "down," they learn more complex behaviors like opening doors and changing clothes. Thandlesonsible for continuing the training rules once the pair have been paired. For their service animal to behave in any situation at any time.

My unofficial fan MUSIC VIDEOS

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Estos vídeos de fans son una de las principales razones que despertaron mi interés en la EDICIÓN DE VÍDEO y durante el COVID (en vez de ser otro covidiot;) decidí empezar un curso en línea (DaVinci Resolve Studio y más tarde Adobe Premiere Pro y luego Blender). Así que, actualmente sigo utilizando estos vídeos musicales de fans para mejorar mis habilidades cuando tengo tiempo o para rehacer algunos antiguos en una calidad superior con más efectos y correcciones... ¡Así que, disfrútalos! ⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸ These fan videos are one of the main reasons which started my interest into VIDEO EDITING and during COVID (instead to be another covidiot;) I decided to start an online course (DaVinci Resolve Studio and later Adobe Premiere Pro and next Blender). So, currently I'm still using these fan music videos to improve skills when I have time or to remake some old in higher quality with more effects and fixes... So, enjoy them! ⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸⸸


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The 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake was a devastating seismic event that occurred on October 30th and affected vast swathes of both countries. With a magnitude of 6.2 on the Richter scale, the earthquake had devastating consequences for many of the millions of people that live across the Northeast Aegean region, as well as the wider region. In the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, at least thirty-eight people died, seven of whom were from Syria, with the remainder from Turkey.