SUBSCRIBE FOR A COOKIE! Accomplishments: - Raised $20,000,000 To Plant 20,000,000 Trees

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SUBSCRIBE FOR A COOKIE! Accomplishments: - Raised $20,000,000 To Plant 20,000,000 Trees - Removed 30,000,000 pounds of trash from the ocean - Built wells in Africa - helped 1,000 blind people see - helped 1,000 deaf people hear - Given millions to charity - Started my own snack company Feastables - Donated over 100 cars lol - Gave away a private island (twice) - Gave away 1 million dollars in one video - Counted to 100k - Read the Dictionary - Read Bee Movie Script - Read Longest English Word - Watched Paint Dry - Ubering Across America - Watched It's Every Day Bro For 10 Hours - Ran a marathon in the world's largest shoes - Adopted every dog in a shelter - Bought $1,000,000 in lottery tickets - Sold houses for $1 - I got buried alive - Recreated Squid Game in real life - Gave away a chocolate factory - Gave away private jet - Survived 50 hours in Antarctica You get the point ha

Baby Dogs - Cute and Funny Dog Videos Compilation #20 | Aww Animals


Watching funny baby dogs is the hardest try not to laugh challenge. Baby dogs are amazing creature because they are the cutest and most funny. This is the cutest and best video ever. It is funny and cute! Hope you like our funny compilation and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE us and share with your friends! 👉Subscribe for new video: #babydog #funnydog #aww #animals #cutedog --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The featured clips in our video are used with permission from the original video owners. The highlight clips can be done by our fans! If you see a clip that you own that you did not submit or give consent for use, we have likely received false permissions and would be happy to resolve this for you! Please drop us a line at ►►►►►►►►► THANKS FOR WATCHING◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄ ► AND DON'T FORGET TO LIKE COMMENTS AND SUBSCRIBE! ◄

20 и НАЗАД


На нашем канале представлены интервью инсайдеров, которые служили в тайных космических программах, прошли программу "20 и обратно". С помощью временных космических технологий их забирали в раннем детстве из дома, готовили на секретных военных базах США, потом отправляли служить в космическом спецназе, техниками, пилотами в темном флоте или даже рабами на базах на Луне и Марсе, в зависимости от навыков, индивидуальных способностей и сдачи соответствующих тестов на профпригодность. После окончания контракта на 20 или более лет, им просто стирали память и через технологии возрастной регрессии возвращали обратно домой в 5-8 летний возраст. А воспоминания иногда пробивались, как кошмарный сон ребенка. Вы можете верить или не верить или отнесетесь как к сказке или фантастике, это Ваш выбор. Но как минимум, когда произойдет Раскрытие, Вы не будете шокированы от неожиданно свалившейся на Вас информации об НЛО, засекреченных технологиях скрывавшихся от 99% населения планеты и др.