Extraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation, International


Extraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation,International is an Indian-based non-profit organization composed of civilian volunteers who study reported UFO sightings. It is one of the youngest organizations of its kind, claiming more than 500 members worldwide. The organization has been criticized for its focus on pseudoscience, and say its investigators use the scientific method for research. Extraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation also known as EURO, INT is an ufo Research Organization which is progressively gaining success in the field of ufology.It was started by a group of Teenagers in India who are still working in the organisation as support staff. Euro, International works in association with Minds Story Studio Pvt. Ltd which is a local EBook publisher. It has been 9months since the Organisation has started and it has got a good response ufo lovers as it has got an active participation of 500+ Members. It also publishes a book named Extraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation, International booklet and has a web series named Space Hints.

"Discover the Extraordinary in the Everyday!"


Welcome to Everyday Explorers! 🌍✨ Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the hidden gems and fascinating stories that life has to offer. From travel and lifestyle to thought-provoking discussions and personal growth, we're here to inspire curiosity and adventure in the ordinary moments of life. Whether it's exploring new places, trying out fresh ideas, or sharing tips to live your best life, there's always something exciting to discover. Subscribe and become part of the Explorer Tribe—where every day is a new adventure! Let’s make the most of life together, one experience at a time. 🌟 #EverydayExplorers #LiveCuriously #AdventureAwaits

Messages To Benevolent Extraterrestrial Races


I am a starseed on Earth fully ready for extraterrestrial contact. I am asking to be used as a tool by the positive extraterrestrial races (or by any ET being who wants the highest good of humanity) for the dissemination of information with the following objectives: 1. For the consciousness expansion of this civilization. 2. For healing and guiding the people. 3. To prepare them for future mass contact. 4. For the overall betterment of humankind. I only have the highest intention for humanity. This is the only reason why I came to this planet. I am waiting for you to contact me. In Love and Gratitude, You Know Who I Am 🔥 Alternative/Backup Channels 🔥 ➜ Odysee: https://odysee.com/@MessagesToExtraterrestrials:7 ➜ Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/sgzXjqTqCvOK/ ➜ Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1149511 ➜ Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/messagestobenevolentetraces

베리타스 연구소 Center for Human Dignity (검열백업장소)


유투브 백업 채널] 베리타스 연구소 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpnNQgj0ZFY-FGiUiy69SUA 한국에서 유통이 어렵지만 인생을 사는데 중요한 (주로 영미권의) 고퀄 정보를 선별한 후 필터링을 거쳐 업로드하는 채널입니다. 주요 주제는 뉴스에서 다루지 않거나 허투루 다루는 의학, 과학 데이타와 세계 유수의 논문, 그리고 한국 뉴스에서 보여주지 않는 외국 기사 등입니다. 베리타스 연구소장 (구 닥터손) 은 논문 조사와 연구 논문 작성이 주업인데 높은 수준의 과학적 방법론과 통계 분석 기준을 본 채널에도 적용하여 적절한 이슈에 관해 알기 쉽게 영상으로 제작하여 올바른 정보를 보급하려 합니다. 그 외에 종교와 세계관, 인문사회과학 분야의 주제도 다룰 예정입니다.

Codex Of Secrets - Oltre la verità


"Nihil est veritatis luce dulcius". - Cicerone - Benvenuto in "Codex of Secrets", il tuo spettacolo segreto che aprirà le porte a un mondo sconosciuto e rivelerà verità nascoste dietro le quinte della storia e cospirazioni contro l'umanità. Preparati a immergerti in un viaggio intrigante e affascinante attraverso gli inferi di teorie del complotto, recensioni storiche e argomenti considerati scomodi dalla stampa mainstream. Sono l'Agente X, l'anello di congiunzione tra il segreto e la verità. Nelle prossime puntate esploreremo i misteri nascosti nel labirinto di cospirazioni che hanno segnato il corso della storia. Dalla manipolazione dei fatti alla distorsione della verità, nulla sarà lasciato al caso. Prendi parte a questa avventura e unisciti a me, Agente X, mentre sveliamo i segreti più profondi e scomodi della storia umana. Benvenuto nel "Codice dei Segreti", dove il velo dell'ignoto sarà sollevato e l'oscura verità sarà rivelata.