Dadgum Family Adventure, Fun, Exploration, Camping, Off Road


This channel is dedicated to families and adventure. We will explore the great outdoors, go on cool adventures, learn about cool things, cook some good grub (food), review some really rad stuff, and even give you tips that you can use on your next adventure. This is a family-friendly place and you will find no cursing, swearing, or any other naughty, bad, no good stuff on this channel. We have worked hard to bring you this content and hope you enjoy it. We will be adding content regularly so please subscribe so you do not miss the next adventure or review or tips or.....

Quest for Happiness


The primary purpose of this channel is to share uplifting content with my fellow humans. I cannot say for certain why I desire to see others find happiness. Perhaps my own happiness is predicated upon helping others find contentment and wellbeing in life. Suffice it to say that I have always done so, like a bee making honey. Perhaps, in this cruel world, helping others to find peace and contentment is the greatest personal fulfillment we may find. Perhaps, it is the pathway forward to our own sense of purpose and meaning in life. If you are reading this, although we have probably never met, know that I sincerely desire for you to find contentment, satisfaction, and meaning in your life. What a miraculous experience we share, in this strange mortal realm, on a tiny planet, in a vast cosmos! At times, it is almost too much to fathom, too much to bear, but I am grateful that I am not alone in my existential angst and turmoil. I am happy to know that I can share this experience with you.