Food Crystal


Food Crystal is all about redefining ‘Cooking’ for you. It’s the solution to that never ending problem of preparing high quality delicious food and curtailing the eating out habits of your loved ones. You are surely in for a flavorsome treat with our recipes that will surely make you the next talk of the town. We understand your difficulty of being unable to execute that perfect dish just by going through those long recipes and ending up with something not as good as the one you see on paper. Hence, we make sure to get this covered by bringing in videos that will help you prepare the same delicious food as you see in our videos. While we eliminate the misconception that cooking is only for ladies, we make sure we live up to our statement where we believe everyone can cook.

100 Mitos da Revolução Russa


Será que a Rússia imperial era um país atrasado? Rasputin era um devasso? Nicolau II era um imperador fraco? O comunismo melhorou a vida dos pobres? Quem patrocinou a revolução russa? Finalmente essas questões, sempre envoltas em discursos político e especulações filosóficas, poderão ser respondidas de modo científico e racional. Com o fim da União Soviética foram disponibilizados documentos, até então inacessíveis ao grande público. Neste canal o público terá acesso a mais de 100 anos de segredos que prometem mudar todos os seus preconceitos a respeito da história russa. Tudo isso de uma forma simples e divertida.

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Ads are blooming on this channel. Act like you know. Subscribe. We provide a list of product presentations and reviews in various categories. The products selected are not necessarily the best, but they are most recommended by experts and clients reviews in the market. We do in-depth research on each product before making the videos. Our goal is to help consumers save time to find the best products that is worth their money. Ads will be blooming. Subscribe.