Two Witnesses Live


We are not THE two witnesses from the book of Revelation, at least not as far as we know. However, we do believe that we are living in the end times, and it is our conviction that the two witnesses prophesied will be revealed very soon. We see ourselves as Two Witnesses for our God and His Son, aiming to discuss and share insights into what we believe God is doing in real time. Our intention is to provide firsthand coverage of the unfolding events and prepare for the imminent revelation of the prophesied two witnesses.



UNITY OF CONSCIOUSNESS will be streamlining meditation music with the aim in uniting mind, body & spirit. Welcome to this channel. My name is Juliana & personally am so exited to have come to the realisation that Humans & Earth are experiencing enormous changes. -We are here as we know with our minds hearts & spirit that: WE ARE ONE, UNIFIED ENERGY & PART OF THE GREATER CONSCIOUSNESS. -When you are in doubt I am so pleased to just say it out loud: ---1- We are the HUMANS -- made of pure INTELLECT & ENERGY; We are not reducing ourselves to just a 'HUMAN': We have build great architectures, technology, we have build & sent objects in space, build forests & saved animals; & MANY MORE ACHIEVEMENTS. ---2- Yes some of US have done atrocities; BUT THE REST MUST & SEES the EARTH & OURSELVES just like from space - AS ONE, NO BORDERS, NO SEPARATION & WE WILL ACT AS ONE, UNITED TOGETHER -- PURE INTELLECT & CONSCIOUSNESS ---3- We are here to STAY, PROSPER & FURTHER OURSELVES