History Via Media

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History Via Media (HVM), is a channel dedicated to exploring history through the lens of media! HVM’s goal is to promote of the study of history. From film and television to books and music, HVM investigates how different forms of media have portrayed historical events and shaped public understanding of the past. HVM will feature a variety of content, including documentaries, analysis, and reviews of historical media. It will also discuss historical themes and connect them to contemporary issues. Our content is designed to be accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds, whether you are a seasoned history buff or a curious learner. In addition to creating content, HVM will also collect and share historical resources, such as primary sources, archival footage, quality history books, and other materials that provide a deeper understanding of the past. We believe that history should be accessible to everyone, and this channel aims to make that a reality.

Papo Aleatório

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O Papo Aleatório tem a missão de Levar a vocês informação e divulgar a Cultura Pop/Geek/Nerd. Com matérias, comentários e analises sobre: Games, Animes, Seriados, Filmes, Quadrinhos, Música, Mangas, Informática e Tecnologia, RPG, Board Games, literatura e muito mais... Confira também nosso site, para matérias, artigos e colunas: https://papoaleatorio.com.br Se inscrevam em nosso canal e fiquem ligados com as novidades que virão. Seja bem vindo ao Papo Aleatório!

سعد محمد _ Saad Mohamed

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انا سعد محمد ، مصري الجنسية، مسلم ، بقدم محتوي علمي وتكنولوجي على قناتي محتوي خاص بالكهرباء والإلكترونيات ( التحكم الآلي - الكلاسيك كنترول - PLC - الأنظمة الهوائية - Pneumaic systems - الأنظمة الكهرونيوماتيكية ) والبرامج المختلفة ، كما أقدم مجموعة من فيديوهات تعليمية عن منتجات ميكروسوفت وبعض التركات الموجودة ، كما أقدم محتوى عن البرامج وكيفية تكريكها، وغيره من تصميم الألعاب والسيرفرات الأون لاين.

Universidade dos Dados

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Meu nome é Yukio, sou Matemático, mestre em Economia e atuo como cientista de dados. Sou ex-Itaú, HSBC, Vivo, GetNinjas e Digital House. Na internet, falo do tema desde 2016. Comecei no blog www.estatsite.com.br. Depois comecei a escrever no Twitter, @unidosdados. Agora, além dessas redes, tenho postado muito conteúdo no Instagram, @universidadedosdados. Em todas as redes, o foco é falar de Ciência de Dados, Machine Learning, Inteligência Artificial, Python, R, SQL e SAS. Enfim, tudo que gira em torno deste universo dos dados. Todos os conteúdos são gratuitos.