Financial Fundamentals


Welcome to the Financial Fundamentals Rumble channel! 📈💰 Here, we dive deep into the core principles of finance, helping you build a solid financial foundation. Explore a wealth of knowledge on budgeting, investing, saving, and more. Our engaging videos are designed to empower you with the financial wisdom you need to thrive. Join our community and embark on a journey towards financial success, one fundamental at a time. Let's rumble with finance and secure your financial future together!



The Film Fundamentals channel is a movie review channel where I breaks down and analyzes different films, providing a detailed and in-depth look at the filmmaking elements and techniques used in the movie. It also gives a brief overview and summary of the movie and the reviews are not based on the host personal opinion but based on the technical aspects. The channel is intended for movie enthusiasts who want to gain a deeper understanding of the films they watch, as well as for aspiring filmmakers who want to learn from the works of established professionals. I also shares his thoughts on the films and its impact on the film industry.