D.D.P. studios Inc. We Make Thinking Fun!


Now closed due to COVID 19. Published Small Production House from Toronto Ontario who Produced The Million Dollar Makeover on Rogers Communications, Producer and Creator of Comedic Documentary Jesus Meets The Gay Man... which made it to Prime Video Canada, iTunes, NBC Comcast, Direct TV, Verizon Vubiquity VOD distributed by Breaking Glass Films. Rated 16+ Also the Producers and Creators of Drunk Wisdom, DDP Entertainment Report, What Will Be Your Legacy, The Leopard Lounge, DDP Vradio Daily, DDP Vradio Night, The Heretic Society, Parliament Talks, My Opinion X 3

Wisconsin Gun Owners Inc.(WGO)


Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. (WGO) works for grassroots gun owners, not politicians. While many gun lobbies fight for “reasonable gun control,” WGO sets a higher standard: Defining the terrain of battle. Sure, many groups claim they’re “pro-gun” — all the while they provide cover for anti-gun deals cut by politicians — but WGO truly informs gun owners, remaining committed to a 100% pro-gun position. We oppose all gun control — regardless of the political party — and work tirelessly to restore the Second Amendment. WGO believes access politics only results in lobbyists getting access to politicians; not results for gun owners. WGO has angered many politicians who would like people to believe that they support gun rights, even when they vote against them.

Randall Franks - Share America Foundation, Inc.


Actor/Entertainer Randall Franks, "Officer Randy Goode" from TV\'s "In the Heat of the Night," hosts and shares music, entertainers and interviews focusing on Appalachian Musical Arts in youth and the performers who encourage them. Share America Foundation, Inc., a 501-C-3 of Georgia, fosters the arts and preserves the history of Appalachia through the presentation of the Pearl and Floyd Franks Scholarship to youth who continue traditional music styles of the region. It also hosts special events and creates projects that perpetuate the Appalachian experience. It operates with a five-member volunteer board, currently including Chairman Gary Knowles, Vice Chairman Jimmy Terrell, Secretary James Pelt, President Randall Franks, and Vice President Jerry Robinson, and a task force of volunteers. The organization has assisted 30 college scholars thus far and numerous other youth in aspiring towards their musical goals through entertainer mentors, live performances, and creating opportunities for learning and success. Among the partners of the Share America Foundation are AirPlay Direct, Hillbilly Love, Round Up Grant from the North Georgia Electric Membership Corporation Foundation, Kiwanis Club of Ringgold, and the Wes and Shirley Smith Charitable Endowment and numerous individual donors.

Heart of A Shepherd Inc


Featured are inspirational messages and original daily devotional commentaries from www.HeartofAShepherd.com. Pastor Smith is continuing a chronological, 2-year daily Bible devotional schedule that began January 1, 2021 and is scheduled to conclude December 31, 2022. * You can become a regular subscriber of the Heart of a Shepherd daily devotionals, and have them sent directly to your email address. Please email your request to HeartofAShepherdInc@gmail.com. Copyright © 2022 – Travis D. Smith Heart of A Shepherd Inc is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501c3, and is a public charitable organization. Mailing address: Heart of A Shepherd Inc, 6201 Ehrlich Rd., Tampa, FL 33625. You can email HeartofAShepherdInc@gmail.com for more information on this daily devotional ministry.

City of God, Inc.


Welcome to the City of God Rumble Channel, brought to you by the City of God, Inc., a private foundation that works to spread knowledge about The Blessed Virgin Mary and Her Causes. Two main apostolates we focus on are The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement and the Mystical City of God Chaplet. We hope to lead an army of souls closer to the one whom God ordained to lead us into battle against Satan in these end times, namely the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is the Mystical City of God.