Uncommon Disciple


Uncommon Disciple help everyday men build an eternal legacy. We believe God created men to be leaders of honor, integrity, strength, and grace. The problem is that while many men desire to become all God has called them to be, they burn out along the way. Fathers desire to be godly examples to their children but carry the guilt and shame of their failures. Young singles may be full of vision, but they lack the wisdom and endurance to stay on course to fulfillment. These all-too-common stories are the reason we believe God is calling us to build uncommon disciples. Much more than resources, conferences, and community groups, Uncommon Disciple is a movement of men seeking sustainable life-change.

End Time Disciple


Welcome to End Time Disciple - Helping You Live Ready for Jesus’ Return. End Time Disciple is a Christian online ministry where I hope to serve you with common sense teaching and practical encouragement for living in these end times. The acronym “ETD” also represents the 3 main types of content that we’ll be exploring together: Eschatology – End time stuff. Theology – God and Bible stuff. Discipleship – Following Jesus today stuff. If this sounds like something you would enjoy or find helpful, then I would love for you to join me as we explore these and other topics together. To discover more about End Time Disciple, or to join the ETD Family, or to get in touch, please visit the ETD website at: http://www.endtimedisciple.com. You can support me via PayPal or Buy Me A Coffee. Links here: http://www.endtimedisciple.com/support/ Grab yourself some ETD merch and be a light. Links here: http://www.endtimedisciple.com/merch/ And remember, Jesus is coming soon, let’s live ready!