ThomMaxx TV - Archiv 2020


Hier finden Sie Beiträge und Mitschnitte zu den aktuellen Geschehnissen auf Demos und in der Gesellschaft. Hauptthema ist (neben der Lösung der Deutschen Frage) derzeit natürlich Corona. ThomMaxx TV arbeitet unentgeltlich und finanziert alles aus eigener Tasche. Schenkungen gerne an: Chefredakteur: Thomas Maximilian Video-Kanäle: Odysee: Bitchute: Telegram-Kanäle ThomMaxx TV - Broadcast: ThomMaxx TV Chat: ThomMaxx TV Archiv: ThomMaxx Music TV: Über eure Kommentare, Likes, Abos und Teilen außerhalb der Informationsblase bin ich dankbar!

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Old Military fan here since my childhood. I saw countless videos about recolorization old clips, but I always saw that they were somehow not historically correct. I try to search around the Internet and Groups for original uniform / insigna / flag colours of the past and manual color the clips. It's a process made in some part automatically through AI filters and most of the retouch is done manually by me and with various software (DAVINCI Resolve the main one). Restoring old black and white films in color and enhancing them. ///////////////////////////////////////// "Fair Use" Copyright use - All rights belong to the original owner/s. Only parts of the original footage is edited for Informative and Discussion only! Non-political Channel