Moonseed Meditations


Guided meditations to inspire inner healing, personal growth and collective transformation. We share a deep love for the natural world and are passionate about translating the healing power and magic of nature into meditations and music for you. From our hearts to yours. Moonseed Meditations are published on all major music distribution platforms including Spotify and AppleMusic. Music by Ojhro: Follow Sybille Webb on Insight Timer: Visualizations can be purchased at: PayPal donations: Video and music by Dean Warner Words and narration by Sybille Webb

CSI - Common Sense Investigated Podcast Series


Inspired and fashioned by Thomas Paine's pamphlet of the same name, Common Sense Investigated analyzes both Socratic forms of governance and the Jungian aspects of human nature. Drawing from diverse and masterful sources of both academic and applied disciplines, Gavin brings reason and rationality into the realms of basic understanding. Weaving elements of art, philosophy, government, politics, science and medicine, Gavin advances tenets of humanity that have been lacking for decades. In an epoch of precarity and perplexity, this podcast brings agency and hope to a weary public.