Dr. Camilo Vieira
0 FollowersCanal de divulgação de vídeos educativos em pediatria e neurologia pediátrica.
Canal de divulgação de vídeos educativos em pediatria e neurologia pediátrica.
Empowering you to conquer fear of infections, make informed decision to identify infected and isolate them at home. Protect your family, friends and your life from infections that kill
Personal Growth & Mental Wellness
Basic Channel bringing good content
Dr. Stephen Royal Jackson
This channel is dedicated to the clear explanation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Videos for professional networking
I LOVE to sing. Karaoke is my favorite hobby
Pop Punk artist, basically concerned about the disruption of the new technologies in the human kind. Satire/deep lyrics pointing to the fun side of things (most of the times).
Revised (better audio).\r\nIn this time of Covid-19, this 17 video series offers listeners the opportunity to find help dealing with the temptation to drink alcohol.\r\nDr. Don Miller is a licensed clinical psychologist living and working in San Diego, CA. He has over 50 years of experience treating people with addiction. About these videos: Here\'s an interesting question - Can "seeing" in advance the future results of choices made help make better choices now? Dr. Don Miller, a PhD in San Diego with over 50 years of experience helping those with addiction - thinks the answer may sometimes be a resounding "yes"! / Ph.D. awarded in clinical psychology from the University of Utah in August 1966. Dr. Miller has written movie scripts and other books. Detailed synopses of his works can be found on his website. He has a full time practice in Chula Vista, California, near San Diego. Please check out these books written by Dr. Don E Miller: "Angel on Probation" https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/78263 Dr. Gary Brennan is joined by Angel Grace as he tries to convince America\\\\\\\'s leaders that demand reduction and treatment, not supply reduction, are the solutions to the drug problem. Grace uses mind-control Angel dust to sell Doc\\\\\\\'s "Clean and Sober forever" program at the same time she battles dragons and other forces of evil who need drug addicts as part of their plan to create chaos on earth. __________ "Safe at Last: Refugees in America" https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/86284 Clinical Psychologist Dr. Don Miller has interviewed over 2,000 refugees who escaped from danger from seven different countries. This is a book of their stories. Most of them went through incredible suffering and hardship in their native countries and on their way to America. This included ethnic cleansing, starvation, torture, beatings and long periods of incarceration. __________ "Escape from Hell: Clean and Sober Forever" https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/83169 The sequel to "Angel on Probation," Angel Grace and Dr. Gary Brennan, in between their battles with the forces of evil and while implementing the “Clean and Sober Forever" program, wrote “Escape from Hell: Clean and Sober Forever.” Angel Grace insisted that they put on paper their step-by-step plan to sober up America. The story of their battles is told in the book “Angel on Probation.” __________ "My Only Friends are Crazy: A Psychologist\\\\\\\'s Journey" https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/334267 In the late fifties, a psychology intern seeks insight against a backdrop of Venice California beatniks. Don Miller cycles through multiple settings in the late 50s, including three institutions in which he interned, Beatnik Venice, UCLA, the parties and his several loves. Disclaimer: This video is not intended as a substitute for professional medical/psychological advice. Always first seek the advice of your own physician before trying this or any online source for help. Do not use this video while driving, or preparing to drive, or when using dangerous machinery, or in any circumstance that requires your full attention. ALWAYS find a safe and secure environment to sit/lie down in, before you begin relaxation and visualization techniques.
Dr. H\'s Lectures
A podcast on world events and phenomena
Recreation and Animals
Welcome to Dr Debox Are you curious about the latest gadgets, tech innovations, lifestyle products, and more? Look no further! Our channel is your ultimate destination for captivating unboxing experiences that bring the excitement of unveiling new products right to your screen. What We Do: At [Your YouTube Channel Name], we specialize in the art of unboxing a diverse array of products, ranging from cutting-edge electronics to trendy fashion items and everything in between. Our goal is to provide you with detailed, insightful, and engaging unboxing sessions that allow you to virtually experience the joy of opening up these products for the first time. Why Choose Us: 1. Variety: Our channel covers an extensive range of products, catering to tech enthusiasts, fashion aficionados, beauty lovers, and more. No matter your interest, there's something exciting for everyone here. 2. In-Depth Insights: We go beyond the surface by offering in-depth information about each product. From specifications and features to functionality and real-world performance, we're committed to giving you a comprehensive understanding of what each item has to offer. 3. Unbiased Reviews: Our unboxing experiences are accompanied by honest and unbiased reviews. We share our genuine opinions, highlighting both the strengths and potential areas for improvement in each product. 4. Engaging Presentations: Unboxing isn't just about opening a box – it's about creating an experience. Our unboxing sessions are carefully curated to captivate your attention and immerse you in the excitement of discovering a new product. 5. Community Interaction: We value your opinions and ideas. Your feedback and suggestions play a crucial role in shaping the content we create. Join us in the comments section to share your thoughts and connect with fellow viewers. Join Us on the Journey: Whether you're a tech guru, a fashion enthusiast, a DIY enthusiast, or someone who simply loves discovering new things, [Your YouTube Channel Name] welcomes you with open arms. Subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to stay up-to-date with our latest unboxing adventures. Get ready to embark on a journey of excitement, discovery, and insightful exploration. Join us as we unbox the world, one product at a time!
Hello, friends! I'm Dr. Qamar Arif, a board-certified medical professional, and welcome to my channel dedicated to improving your health and fitness. Here, you'll find valuable information about various diseases, their treatments, and preventive measures. Additionally, we'll discuss exercise routines, health advice, and fitness tips. If you're looking to enhance your well-being and learn how to prevent illnesses, this channel is tailor-made for you. Through my videos, you'll gain insights into simple and effective ways to lead a healthy and fit life. Subscribe now to join our community and embark on a journey towards better health. Your health is our top priority.
Dr Andy Yates' incongruous and 'out of the box' comments and thoughts. Dr Andy and Heather's latest books, with links for more information in the description.
Dr Mufti Ismail Menk is a leading global Islamic scholar & motivational speaker born & raised in Zimbabwe. He studied Shariah in Madinah & holds a Doctorate of Social Guidance from Aldersgate University. Mufti Menk's work has gained worldwide recognition and he has been named one of "The Top 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World" since 2010.
Hello and welcome! I'm a Sociologist at the University of Warwick, UK, a professional drone pilot, motorsports enthusiast, sports shooter, I love trekking in the mountains and I make the best burgers in Surrey. I'm passionate about understanding people, social and economic justice, mental health and the outdoors. https://williambarylo.com
Assalam o alaikum The main purpose of this channel is to save the lectures of Dr Israr Ahmed (R.A). As we know the yt official yt channel of Dr sahb was banned before so I on my personal behave am trying to save Dr sahb work and do something that benefits all mankind specially Muslm Ummah.
I find it relaxing, almost therapeutic when watching TikTokers talking about their favorite Amazon products, I hope you do too! I made compilations of the best ones for your convenience so you can binge without having to hop from channel to channel, enjoy! Please like, subscribe, and share this video! Thank you! Have a beautiful day! I don't own any of these clips, all rights go to the creators (Please check out and support these creators, without them my videos wouldn't exist) If you'd like to be added or removed from my videos, please contact: ashmoss@gmx.com Copyright Disclaimer, Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Listen and understand all Islamic questions and answers and all religious questions and answers in English with Dr. Zakir Naik.
A channel were we dive deep into the mental mind space of Dr. X
Pryor Knowlege!
Unser Team Prof. Dr. med. habil. Thomas Körner, Internist, Gastroenterologe, Proktologe Prof. Dr. Thomas Körner, Gastroenterologe in Leipzig Vita Studium der Humanmedizin 1978-1984 an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle Weiterbildung zum Facharzt für Innere Medizin 1984-1989 an der Universitätsklinik für Innere Medizin des Universitätsklinikums Halle Oberarzt an den Kreiskliniken Nabburg/Oberpfalz 1989-1991 Oberarzt am Städtischen Klinikum Fulda 1991-1994 1994 – 2015 Chefarzt für Gastroenterologie und Proktologie in Südthüringen Professur für Prävention und Therapie in der Medizin an der MSH Medical School Berlin Wissenschaftliche Qualifikation Promotion zum Dr. med. (1985) Habilitation und Facultas docendi (1999) Professur für Medizin SRH FH Gera (2007) Professur für Prävention und Therapie in der Medizin an der MSH Medical School Hamburg (2010 - 2019) Professur für Prävention und Therapie in der Medizin an der MSB Medical School Berlin (seit 01.03.2019) Wissenschaftliche Publikationen Über 70 wissenschaftliche Publikationen und 250 Fachvorträge Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaften Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselerkrankungen Walter-Siegenthaler-Gesellschaft für Fortschritte in der Inneren Medizin Dr. med. Julia Kretschmar, Fachärztin für Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie Foto Julia Kretschmar Vita Dr. med. Julia Kretschmar 2001 - 2007 Studium der Humanmedizin an der Ruhr- Universität Bochum 2007 Approbation 2008 Promotion Ruhr- Universität Bochum: „Die Rolle der c-Jun N- terminalen Kinasen (JNK) in der DSS- Colitis“ 01/2008 – 04/2010 Assistenzärztin in der Klinik für Innere Medizin, Gastroenterologie, Hämato- Onkologie, Diabetologie und Infektiologie Klinikum Ludwigsburg 05/2010 – 05/2014 Assistenzärztin in der Klinik für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie im Klinikum St. Georg, Leipzig; Weiterbildung zur Fachärztin für Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie 05/2014 – 09/2021 Fachärztin für Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie im Klinikum St. Georg, Leipzig 10/2021 - 03/2023 Fachärztin für Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie in der Praxisklinik für Gastroenterologie und Proktologie, Prof. Dr. med. habil. Th. Körner, Leipzig seit 01.04.2023 Teilhaberin der Praxisklinik für Gastroenterologie und Proktologie BAG Unser Team der Endoskopie- Assistenz und Praxisorganisation erwartet Sie. Teamveranstaltung 2022 Strategietagung in Lengenfeld/Vogtland Am 2. Juli 2022 wurde in Lengenfeld/Vogtland die Strategietagung der Praxisklinik für Gastroenterologie und Proktologie durchgeführt. Im Mittelpunkt stand die Entwicklung der vergangenen 7 Jahre und die Frage, wie sich die Praxisklinik weiter im Raum Leipzig entwickeln kann. Gleichzeitig wurde über die Weiterentwicklung bestehender und über die Perspektive neuer fachlicher Schwerpunkte für die Praxisklinik diskutiert. Am 3. Juli 2022 standen dann die Familien der Mitarbeiter im Mittelpunkt. Gemeinsam mit ihren Ehepartnern und Kindern besuchten wir den Freizeitpark Plohn. Bei schönstem Sommerwetter konnten wir gemeinsam den wunderschönen Freizeitpark erkunden, der mit großer Hingabe und Liebe zum Detail ausgebaut wurde. Tolle Achterbahnen für jedes Alter wurden getestet, wobei die großen Helden und die kleinen Helden an ihre Grenzen gehen konnten. Zwischendurch eine Stärkung oder Erfrischung und dann konnte es weitergehen: Alle Großen und Kleinen hatten dabei sehr viel Spaß. Am Ende des Tages stellten alle fest: „ Es war einfach nur schön“. Freunde für immer!!! Weihnachtsfeier 2021 unter (2x) 2G 2 x 2G: Goldbraun Gebraten Gut Gegessen Weihnachtsgans im Thüringer Hof Weihnachtsfeier in Pandemie-Zeiten Endlich konnten wir unsere abgesagte Weihnachtsfeier 2020 in Pandemie- Zeiten 2021 nachholen: Der Praxisausflug unter der Pandemie, dachten wir, wird sicher nie. Doch verschoben ist nicht aufgehoben. Los ging es am 23. Oktober, geimpft und heiter drauf, nahm der Ausflug seinen lüstren Lauf. Der Herbst zeigte sich von den schönsten Seiten, Zeit war es in die Restaurants und Kabaretts einzureiten. Im Zchaca genossen wir leckere Getränke und feine Speisen, im Anschluss durften wir in den Krystallpalast reisen. Dort folgten feine Darbietungen mit vielen Facetten, es konnte sich hier kein Lachmuskel retten. Die Zeit verging mal wieder wie im Flug, am nächsten Tag merkte man, das ein oder andere Getränk war nicht so klug. Wir danken unserem Praxis-Dichter Markus Albrecht 5 Jahre Gastrodoc 2020 Vor 5 Jahren hat unsere Praxisklinik für Gastroenterologie und Proktologie im Zentrum von Leipzig den Betrieb aufgenommen und konnte sich inzwischen erfolgreich etablieren. Ein guter Grund dieses Jubiläum mit allen Praxis- Mitarbeitern und Angehörigen zu feiern. Passend zum Fachgebiet hatte das mit gesunder Ernährung zu tun. Praxisjubiläum 2019 Zu unserem 4-jährigen Praxisjubiläum nutzten wir den Anlass, bei viel Sonnenschein Leipzig aus einer anderen Perspektive kennenzulernen. Sowohl der Kanal-Ausflug per Boot als auch kulinarisch in die chinesische Küche war für alle Praxismitarbeiter und deren Angehörige eine neue Erfahrung und bereitete allen viel Spaß. Betriebsausflug 2017 Amphibientour auf und um den Störmthaler See Am 24.06.2017 traf sich das gesamte Team der Praxisklinik für Gastroenterologie von Prof. Dr. Körner in Begleitung unserer Angehörigen zu einem Betriebsausflug der besonderen Art. Diese Veranstaltung fand anlässlich unseres 2- jährigen Praxisjubiläums statt. Kontakt Praxisklinik für Gastroenterologie und Proktologie BAG Dr. med. Julia Kretschmar Prof. Dr. med. habil. Thomas Körner Goldschmidtstr. 30 04103 Leipzig Tel.: 0341 6790 2210 Fax: 0341 6790 2551 EMail: praxis@gastrodoc-leipzig.de Wenn Sie online einen Termin anfragen möchten oder eine Frage haben, nutzen sie unser Kontaktformular. Sie erhalten schnellstmöglich eine Antwort. Zum Kontaktformular » Praxisklinik für Gastroenterologie und Proktologie BAG Goldschmidtstraße 30, 04103 Leipzig
Welcome to Jacked ! Join me as I explore the wonderful world of video games. From epic adventures to intense battles, I'll be sharing my gaming experiences and having a blast along the way. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into some gaming goodness together! Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell so you never miss an exciting moment. Let the games begin!
Paul Deleeuw lives in New Britain, CT and graduated from Trinity College in Hartford, CT. Paul Deleeuw remembers sitting on one of the enormous statues in the “quad” thinking, now what? Paul Deleeuw built a side career as an electronics technician and he worked some in his dad’s hardware store, but where is the future? Auto mechanic? Paul Deleeuw had rebuilt entire engines and had gained some success as the mechanic for a drag racing team.
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interesting videos
Providing helpful information around Apheresis in various forms and holistic medicine.
Welcome to Dr. Tracy E Barnes, the channel where faith meets life. Here, we dive into the Bible questions and real-life issues that people of faith face, and explore how to understand and navigate them with wisdom, grace, and truth. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the challenges that come with living out your beliefs, I'll be your guide on this journey. Whether you're looking for guidance to personal growth, navigating relationships, or tackling tough biblical questions, Dr. Tracy E Barnes has got you covered. So, join me and let's discover together how to live out our faith in a way that transforms both you and the world around you.
In our Channel there is no end to cuteness. Stay tuned to our videos. See you all.
Are you wanting to learn how to create a successful dental practice? Are you wanting to learn how to grow your practice faster so you can enjoy it longer?? Then you came to the right channel. Dr. Anissa Holmes helps dentist entrepreneurs build multi-million dollar practices. On this channel, I will help you answer the following questions... How to increase profits and use wealth-building principles to scale your practice faster... How to hire and lead your team to take ownership so you can all achieve more... How to use the power of persuasion to help unlock patients' emotional reasons for accepting treatment... How to become a better leader so you can elevate your team to become leaders and take things off your plate... How to create an environment where your patients and community market for you... AND MORE... Stay tuned and subscribe for regular content!
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Welcome to Dr Rameez Chaudhary - Your Trusted Medical Guide! 👩⚕️ Are you ready to embark on a journey of health and well-being? Look no further! This channel is your one-stop destination for all things related to medicine, health, and wellness. 🩺 About Us: As a dedicated medical professional, I'm here to share my expertise, insights, and passion for medicine with you. From informative videos on common health issues to in-depth explanations of complex medical topics, our goal is to empower you with knowledge that can improve your health and quality of life. 💡 What You'll Find Here: Health Education: Stay informed about the latest medical breakthroughs, disease prevention, and healthy lifestyle choices. Medical Explainers: Understand complex medical concepts with our simplified explanations. 🔔 Subscribe Now: 🤝 Connect with Us: Join our growing community of health enthusiasts! Follow us on social media [insert social media links] for behind-the-scenes content, updates, and more.
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