Crypto Dogmas


Hello, Crypto Fam! Crypto Dogmas, here 👋 and I'm on a mission to improve people’s lives through Crypto Education. Welcome to your one-stop for all your crypto fixes! Here you'll find our views on everything related to Bitcoin, Bitcoin price prediction, Cryptocurrency News, Market Analysis, Education, NFTs, Metaverse, Perspective, and Opinion about the Cryptocurrency Market. We are BIG on Bitcoin (BTC) and lovers of #Altcoins. We take a "free market" approach to the cryptocurrency space. We do our best to create high-quality content that is educational, informative and entertaining. ⚠️ DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and not to be construed as financial, legal or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Trading cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome.

Learn Crypto!


Cardaneo has been in crypto since 2013, witnessing many technological changes and improvements in the most dynamic sphere of investing. Crypto currencies have evolved tremendously since Bitcoin first came about in 2009. Nowadays, we have thousands of various crypto coins and navigating cryptos can be overwhelming. At, we strive to help you learn to handle crypto safely and reliably so to minimize inherent investing risks as well as bad technological practices and avoid outright scams. Crypto starts with proper crypto education and needs a lot of practice as well as staying on top of all the changes. We are here to help you with every step of your crypto journey. It is not too late to start learning and investing for success!

Crypto Professor


With the Crypto Professor, you will discover why crypto will be the new economy. When the old order falls (fiat currency issued by privately owned central banks), crypto currency and blockchain technology will become the new economy. Crypto is not what most people think. It's not Bitcoin, it's not globalist one world currency and it's not 666, or the mark of the beast. Modern crypto and blockchain are the ways that we will communicate, work, spend, invest, give and so much more. Watch our videos to learn how to set up your own economy.

Crypto news channel


Welcome to Crypto-X! Home to all your cryptocurrency news, tends and events. Covering a wide range of topics to bring you the most informative and entertaining videos possible. Crypto-X is a new channel so i would ask you to keep that in mind and hopefully apricate my editing and content creating skills are at lease improving over time. well that's my hope! If you find yourself dissatisfied at any point please feel free to let me know in the comments. Constructive criticism will never offend me and is always welcome and much appreciated! Thanks and have a great day!



I am a small business owner and sole proprietor with 25+ years of military and federal workforce experience. My focuses include alternative financial solutions with cryptocurrency, emphasizing decentralized finance and XRP/Ripple. Additionally, I manage multiple social media platforms actively arrange and stream live music 24/7. Thank you for visiting my Channel. Be sure to check out my Uglycrypto store link below. God Bless. 🔴🔴 Please contact me at the email in my profile if there are any copyright issues before flagging my content. I will be happy to reply promptly. We are all content creators who spend a lot of time on our channels. So please extend me the courtesy, and I will do the same. Thank you very much. 🔴🔴 👉 (The Uglycrypto Shop) uglycrypto.coin 🔴 I am not a financial advisor! 🔴 私はファイナンシャルアドバイザーではありません。 🔴 Ich bin kein Finanzberater!