
1 Follower

Single panel cartoons of an oddity. Traditional methods of drawing starting with pencil and then ink for the basic outline. Then scanned into a computer where it is colored and shaded and often backlit. Some panels are mixed media using real photos for backgrounds and to emphasize certain objects. There is no violence or guns or swearing. The content is wide and varied and the art is always evolving with new techniques and new styles being applied. The overall look and feel might make you think you're viewing several different artists' work. This is a result of not wanting to settle on any one particular way of drawing something. Giving these books unpredictability with each page.

Embrace Masculinity

1 Follower

High-value men don't waste time. They want to consume knowledge and put it into practice as soon as possible this is where Embrace Masculinity comes into play. We absorb information from the greatest minds in many fields, from relationships, dating, and the red pill to entrepreneurship, self-improvement, and investing. Then we deliver the knowledge to you with a clear and straight-to-the-point book summary so you can take action immediately, embrace your masculinity, and become the high-value man you deserve to be. From making money to finding a high-value woman, it's all here. Subscribe for more videos and start learning for FREE! Welcome to Embrace Masculinity.

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Bookworm Central was founded with the wish to incessantly benefit and positively impact children’s lives both in the now and in their futures by providing easy access to quality books. Radhika Bajaj opted for fundraising book fairs as a platform that not only promised children direct and quick access to great books but ensured additional giving into the schools and the community, another driving priority behind the creation of Bookworm.