Raj Shamani


The next 10 years is going to be The Golden Age for India. It will be filled with infinite once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, but if you don’t prepare and grow yourself to win these opportunities then you won’t be able to achieve your ‘Indian Dream’. And we won’t let that happen, this channel is about helping you grow and win in life. Our Purpose for this channel is to become one of the most authoritative and informative guides to what is happening in business, relationships, politics, health, science and entertainment. Mission of our podcast “Figuring Out: The Indian Dream’: is to help every Indian achieve their ‘Indian Dream’. Do subscribe and follow us because we promise you that every day, we will bring top leaders and ideas from around the world to teach you new things.

Shauna Manfredine's Prophecy Club


Zoom recordings of our past Prophecy Club studies - and worksheets from the class. in-depth Bible studies on End-time Prophecy using the 5 keys to unlocking Bible Prophecy, which are: 1) Torah - Isaiah 8:20 2) all the Bible Prophets - Isaiah 28:9-10; 2 Peter 1:20-21 3) the Mazzaroth - Genesis 1:14 4) the Sabbatical years/Jubilees 5) the Feasts (Holy Days of Yahweh listed in Leviticus 23) - Daniel 8:19; Daniel 11:27 The premise of this study time is that it is impossible to correctly interpret End-time Bible prophecy without factoring in all five of the above "Keys". For more information about these 5 Keys, using them for prophecy, and why they are essential, please see the feature article in our quarterly magazine from April-June, 2020, titled: "Five Keys that Unlock Prophecy" at https://www.lightedway.org/html/Newsletters/20%20Newsletters/Apr-Jun2020NewsletterMagazine.pdf

That's Weird Man


That's Weird Man podcast with Comedians Jacob Hays & Kahlil Tomlin. Bringing you new episodes every Saturday @ Midnight of down the rabbit hole podcasts, hilarious sketch comedy bits and far out films you won't see anywhere else! Subscribe today on Rokfin.com/thatsweirdman for only $9.99/month and get access to not only our channel but to ALL 400+ creators from legends like Sam Tripoli of Tin Foil Hat, Jimmy Dore & Kurt Metzger, Tony Hinchcliffe, Jay Dyer, Rex Bear, Whitney Webb and hundreds more! www.thatsweirdman.com https://open.spotify.com/show/3aZOFo3Cawte7uKRZKUMwV

Falando de Plantas


O canal Falando de Plantas trás tutoriais e dicas de plantio, cuidados e manutenção de plantas ornamentais, tanto das que ficam no jardim como as que ficam dentro de casa. Fala também sobre os melhores produtos do mercado para cada plantas, pois cada uma exige cuidados especiais, assim também como produtos especiais. O canal é apresentado por Jocimar Bruno. Para patrocínio, apoios, collabs e parcerias, entre em contato, pelo e-mail: • E-mail: doisdepublicidade@gmail.com O canal Homem & Cozinha é propriedade da Doisde Soluções Digitais - MEI - Todos os direitos reservados.