AllatRa TV em Português


A ALLATRA TV é o canal internacional voluntário da Internet do Movimento Social Internacional ALLATRA, cujos participantes são pessoas de diferentes países do mundo. Histórias fascinantes de auto-exploração, diálogos francos sobre os mais importantes para o ser humano, boas notícias, entrevistas incomuns, etc. Se você deseja aplicar abnegadamente suas habilidades e conhecimentos em benefício do desenvolvimento espiritual e moral de toda a sociedade, adquirir novas habilidades em várias áreas da criatividade e gerar bons resultados em uma equipe amigável de pessoas afins, convidamos você a participar dos projetos da ALLATRA TV, aprender e desenvolver juntos e criar no trabalho construtivo conjunto!

Mystery Matrix TV


Welcome to our channel, where we delve deep into the mysterious world of conspiracy theories and true crime. If you've ever been captivated by tales of secret societies, government cover-ups, and unexplained phenomena, you're in the right place. Join us as we explore intriguing conspiracy theories, dissect the evidence, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. From ancient legends to modern-day mysteries, we aim to separate fact from fiction and provide a balanced analysis of the most captivating conspiracies. Prepare to question the official narrative and embark on a mind-bending journey with us.

Quirky Prankster TV


Welcome to the zany world of "QuirkyPrank Quarters"! Prepare for a rollercoaster ride of laughter and surprises as we unleash a whirlwind of hilarious pranks and outrageous antics. Dive into our treasure trove of comedic chaos, where every corner holds a new twist and every prank is a masterpiece of mischief. Join us as we explore the boundaries of humor and creativity, leaving no stone unturned in our quest to bring joy and laughter to your screens. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey filled with laughter, surprises, and endless entertainment. Buckle up and join the fun in the QuirkyPrank Quarters – where the unexpected is always expected!



The channel which hosts Broadcasts from The Word of God,through Jesus Christ,Street & Outreach Ministry. The Broadcasts are from The Ministry's Vault,(dating back to 1996),and featuring MANY DIFFERENT Ministers in The 5-Fold Ministry... ©copyright 2022 THE WORD OF GOD,THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, STREET & OUTREACH MINISTRY** ++ALL RIGHTS RESERVED++ (475)300-3850**Incorporated in CO,CT,IN,NC,SC,MS,TN,TX,WI** #THEHOLYGHOSTAPPROVESOFTHISMESSAGE #THEWORDOFGODTJCSOTVPRODUCTION #VIDEOSFILMEDINTHISMINISTRY #THEWORDOFGODTJCSOTELECAST ~PLEASE EXCUSE ANY AND ALL TYPOS THAT YOU SEE IN THIS DOCUMENT~

Tv 2000 - Humor Shqip


Tv 2000 i ka fillimet e saj ne fundvitin 1999 me themelues z. Haxhi Jusufi. Duke qene se themeluesi jone ka qene gjithmone i perfshire ne humor dhe satirike ku perfshihet dhe gazeta e pare e pavarur humoristike "Kunji" edhe ne morem te njejten rrjedhe. Me nje histori prej me shume se 20 vitesh humori popullor dhe ai modern i pershtatur per humor popullor vazhdojme te jemi prane shikuesve tane nepermjet ketij kanali ne Youtube. Ky eshte kanali i vetem i cili ka te drejtat te transmetoje humoret dhe skecet tona. Ju lutem nese e merni kete informacion dhe shikoni qe dikush po na "sulmon" duke transmetuar humoret tona pa te drejte na kontaktoni ne Ju faleminderit.