Stairway To Heaven with Gwilda Wiyaka

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As we transition from the Piscean age to the Aquarian marked by entering a highly charged portion of the galaxy, there are shifts in the ambient frequency impacting the planet. The Stairway to Heaven, created and hosted by Gwilda Wiyaka, is a series of TV Vignettes designed to bring updates and insights into the ever-changing, elevated frequency currents now bathing the planet and affecting us all. The source of vital information for the evolving human being.

The Chaplain's Chair Podcast

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Welcome to “The Chaplain’s Chair,” a thought-provoking podcast about religion, faith, family, and yes, even some politics sprinkled in from time to time! You know, we live in a world of swirling ideas and conflicting values, all brought to us via 24/7 media outlets, gossip, half-truths, and outright lies. It can be difficult to discern what the truth is. And with each passing day we are losing voices willing to tell it. Whether it’s our community, our family, our work, our marriages, or even our politics, I’ve learned the Bible always offers sound guidance–truth–to help us deal with the many storms of life. From my “chaplain’s chair” I try to speak the truth—based on my personal life experiences, study of the Bible, history, and philosophy. You might find I am not much different than you. You WILL NOT agree with everything you hear on this podcast. That’s fine. But I hope I will leave you something to think about. Thanks for listening! I invite you to subscribe to the podcast and invite your friends. Thanks for stopping by!

The Scientific Solution To Clean Indoor Air

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Introducing new clean air technology that redefines the health benefits of conventional air purification. “IonFlow continuously attacks the virus in the air and on surfaces, while destroying its infectious capabilities. It is great that we now have supplemented the previous in-depth study from the Karolinska Institute, which so clearly shows how our technology prevents the spread of a number of viruses,” says Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir. “Providing pharmaceutical treatments and creating vaccines is important. But it’s not only about that. Innovative technology is also clearly a part of any answer to pandemic viruses. We’re proud to provide a proven solution for reducing infections in offices, schools, homes and other shared spaces.” The future of clean healthy air.