Dra. Dominiquae Bierman TV


La Arzobispo y Apóstol Dominiquae Bierman es la primera mujer judía arzobispo en el mundo. Junto con su esposo el Rabino Baruch, como apóstoles judíos, han viajado a más de 50 naciones durante más de 30 años, predicando el Evangelio original hecho en Sión, seguido de señales, maravillas y milagros. Ella ha escrito muchos libros y ha producido cientos de programas de televisión que han cambiado la vida de millones de personas en todo el mundo. La Apóstol Dominiquae Bierman realiza tours anuales por Israel durante los Días Santos del calendario bíblico. Ella tiene un doctorado en Filosofía Religiosa y una licenciatura en Salud Nutricional y es la presidenta y fundadora de Kad-Esh MAP Ministries y de las Naciones Unidas por Israel. Además, la Apóstol Dominiquae es la presidenta de la Escuela Bíblica AGIMAP, una escuela bíblica libre de teología de reemplazo, rica en historia de la iglesia, las raíces judías de la fe e Israel. Conéctese con nosotros: info@kad-esh.org

Assembly of the Anglo-Israel Ministries


My name is Dr. Jeffrey W. Frye and I’m the founder of the Assembly of the Anglo-Israel Ministries. We our a politically incorrect Anglo-Israel outreach ministry to Yahweh’s chosen race (true Israel, the White, European peoples) which is the elect remnant of the house of ancient Israel, Christian patriots, nationalists, reconstructionist, and all seeking a higher level of understanding will learn biblical solutions to personal and national problems, and be given the keys to unlock hidden truth. It will proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom (government according to Yahweh’s Law) through our videos and Wednesday night bible study meetings. We believe that we are all seeking a higher level of understanding of Biblical solutions to personal problems and have been given the keys to unlock hidden truths. Though some, maybe many, of our beliefs might be a little off the old beaten path but they are OUR truths in Christ! Please join us with all our videos that we post!



We strive to help people find reconciliation with God and others, and to help them remove all darkness from their lives. We help people to be freed from darkness and to be focused on Christ and a fruitful future. Paranormal Pastor Terry Fox has served as a lead Pastor for over 43 years. He is a graduate of Ouachita Baptist University and has ministered to over 19,000 people through several churches. Pastor Terry has been active in media ministries including TV and radio across America. He served extensively in different areas for the Southern Baptist Convention. Pastor Terry founded Telling the Truth Ministry to help people in many different areas including paranormal situations and spiritual warfare. Pastor Terry and his team are trained to help people in this specialized and much needed ministry. He and his teams have been involved in over 300 paranormal and deliverance cases across America and internationally. IF YOU ARE IN NEED, CONTACT: TellingTheTruthMinistry.org