The Bread of The Word Podcast Verified


Hey there, seekers of Truth! I'm Tyler, and I'm thrilled to have you join The Bread of the Word podcast where to dive deep into the Scriptures, going Ad Fontes—to the Fountain—to be nourished and sustained by all that GOD is as He has revealed Himself to us. Learn More at "And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live." -Deuteronomy 8:3 KJV "The words of the LORD are pure words: As silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times." -Psalm 12:6 KJV Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. -John 17:17 KJV “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him for ever.” -Westminster Shorter Catechism What is the Gospel? Click the link below:

The Séance Podcast Verified


A podcast that discusses the paranormal, metaphysical, sometimes even conspiracy and most of all mysteries of the mind, space & time. Sign up for the FREE Email Newsletter & More: Conceived in January of 2015. Originally launched as a weekly live internet radio broadcast. When show host and creator Rev. Dr. Paul G. Meckes had to pack up and move overseas for a career move the show went dark till his return home. It wasn't until September 2021 when the platform restructured to a podcast and virtual community. The re-boot of Conscious Radio Network evolved into a whole new life and energy. If you have a story to share please contact us.

In Defense of American Liberty Podcast


It is absolutely necessary that American Patriots, of the U.S. Constitution, stand up now, and engage in profound preparation to be fully equipped to meet their threats and violent actions against the American Liberty. There can be no political correctness, in the face of national betrayal and treason, by the Democrat-Socialist enemies of Liberty. Join Dr. Steven Clark Bradley and Wyatt Messer as Patriots of Liberty, in Defense of American Liberty. Join Us Every Sunday at 6:00 pm Central

The Radical English Gentlemen Podcast


This is a focused political podcast based with issues in England with a anti government libertarian approach to it all. With the podcast being done once a week with a guest talking sometimes drinking and discussing the current state of the England to do with numerous things from covid to gun laws. This Podcast is welcoming to all people from all nationalities and walks of life with the main goal of this podcast to hear interesting perspectives on topics that are not covered in mainstream media but also to bring a smile and joy to you on your Thursday night.

The Sword of the Spirit Podcast Verified


​Pre-Millennial, Pre-Tribulational, Dispensational, Independent, and standing on the King James Bible as our final authority. This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… Or pick one from With one of these apps you can: Tune in to the LIVE episodes! Enjoy chapters, transcripts, music references and more… Send me a boost (which is a small amount of bitcoin, with a message. Don't worry, these apps make it easy) Enjoy, learn, and let me know what you think! This very modern podcast is hosted on - The most modern and easy way to create and host your podcast. Try it 2 months for free (on top of the 30-day trial) with promo code ABOUTPODCASTING You can support me and the show by: Sending me a boost (or stream sats) with a modern podcast app Making a donation on my website Sharing this show with your family, friends and followers on your social media.

Quest for Liberty - The Podcast


BJ Soper and Phillip Tomlin hold discussion about life, liberty and the preservation of our American way of life. There is video to accompany the podcast when you listen/view it on Spotify. Topics include the original intent of the US Constitution, politics, current events, patriotism, and anything related to the fight for our Constitutional Republic. This podcast will educational, informative, and humorous while also providing actionable steps to get engaged. The goal is to help educate, organize, and activate listeners in the ideological battle for our country.