The Light of Christ International Outreach Center


Welcome to the worship service of The Light Of Christ International Outreach Center! You can visit our website at Have a great day and be blessed! Remember, you are the only light that some people will see. If they don't see Jesus in you, they may not see Jesus at all! Be sure to stop by our Service Archives and see what you may have missed of the Word from Yehovah to you! If you would like to listen or download some of the previous Training For Reigning messages please follow these links. Book of Acts Continues today at Developing Kingdom Understanding at Thank you for joining us! --------------------------------------------------------CCLI License Information-------------------------------------------------------------- The Light of Christ International Outreach Center 2735 Buffalo Rd, Smithfield, NC 27577-7417 Copyright License: Size-B 166046 Expires 2/28/2021 + Streaming License Size-B CSPL016811 Expires 5/31/2020 =====

In Seach Of with Leonard Nimoy Verified


In Search of... is an American television series that was broadcast weekly from 1977 to 1982, devoted to mysterious phenomena. It was created after the success of three one-hour TV documentaries produced by creator Alan Landsburg: In Search of Ancient Astronauts in 1973 (based on the book Chariots of the Gods? by Erich von Däniken), In Search of Ancient Mysteries and The Outer Space Connection, both in 1975 (later adapted into popular paperbacks written by Landsburg). All three featured narration by Rod Serling, who was the initial choice to host the spin-off show. Serling died before production started, and Leonard Nimoy was then selected to be the host. The original series was shown in Australia in the 1980s under the title "Great Mysteries of the World" with each episode having an introduction and conclusion presented by television presenter Scott Lambert.