

Welcome to GamingAtMax Channel where you could check newly released games, gameplay, tutorials, updates, and news related to Android & iOS games. I do my very best to deliver the best and newest games like first-person shooting games, Open world MMORPG/RPG, and a lot more types of new cool mobile game videos as well as their graphics quality and size information. Let us go together on a journey to the world of Mobile Games! Subscribe to the channel and let's tag along towards the path of growing mobile gaming 👍

Flow with Mira


My Pilates-based programs and classes will teach you how to reset your mind and begin a deeper connection to your body through movement. If you want to build balance, core strength, flexibility, and find freedom within your body – you've come to the right place. Join me now and take steps towards feeling our absolute best through balancing your body and mind. Trust yourself, listen to your body, and find what moves you. Keep moving and good things will happen, Mira xxx

Viking Ingunn


There's a paradox in obesity... Let's say I carry a lot of excess fat on my body. By definition I'd be carrying a lot of energy with me, all the time, because that fat I carry is energy, right? Though with all this extra energy, you'd assume I would feel quite energetic, wouldn't you? That I would feel like being active because I have so much extra energy! Though as we know, the opposite is true. Overweight people experience fatigue and decreased physical endurance. And even increased hunger. These are not symptoms of having excess energy, but rather the opposite! They are symptoms of LOW energy. If your body is running low on energy, you feel tired and hungry, right? But how could your body be running low on energy if you both have a lot of stored energy AND you provide a lot of energy via your diet? Think of it like this: a battery can carry a lot of energy, though that energy isn't very useful to you unless you plug it into a device that knows how to use that energy. Right? Well, that "device" within your body is what we call the mitochondria and it actually takes fat and carbs and produces energy the body can actually use, and "burn off". It's your body's energy production. Though if your energy production isn't working well, if you can't effectively turn fat and carbs into energy you can spend, you may end up carrying excess fat while still running low on energy! "Eat less and move more" is what we're told to do, though that's one of the worst things you can do if you're running low on energy! Instead, we need to REIGNITE our body's energy production, which will naturally help us feel more energetic, have fewer cravings and even lose weight naturally and with minimal effort because we're able to use the energy we have more efficiently! --- I'm Ingunn, a Norwegian Viking currently living in sunny Portugal. Even though I did my Masters in Physics and Mathematics back in the day, I found that my real passion is in Nutrition Science and discovering the best ways to live a healthy, thriving life. So I'm now a nutrition researcher sharing what I know and learning along the way with YOU! Join me to discover the fascinating and less-talked-about ways to lose weight naturally. As always: Based on science. No BS. ;)

Sandeep Maheshwari


Sandeep Maheshwari is a name among millions who struggled, failed and surged ahead in search of success, happiness and contentment. Just like any middle class guy, he too had a bunch of unclear dreams and a blurred vision of his goals in life. All he had was an undying learning attitude to hold on to. Rowing through ups and downs, it was time that taught him the true meaning of his life. Watch Sandeep Maheshwari's NEW videos before everyone else on SMtv at To know more, log on to

BRONBO (BRinging ON BOard)


Welcome to BRONBO (BRinging knowledge ON BOard) - Your ultimate destination for informative and engaging videos! We are passionate about sharing knowledge and bringing you fascinating insights from various fields. Join us on this exciting journey as we delve into a wide range of topics, including science, history, technology, nature, and much more. Through our carefully crafted videos, we strive to make complex concepts accessible to everyone. Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply someone who loves learning, our channel is designed to satisfy your thirst for knowledge. We believe that learning should be fun and enjoyable, so we put great effort into making our videos entertaining and informative at the same time. So, if you're ready to embark on an intellectual adventure, hit that subscribe button and join the BRONBO community! Let's BRing knowledge ON BOard together and explore the world through our informative videos.