Réfléchir et Agir Libre


Visiteur unique ou abonné (in)fidèle - Bienvenue Tu trouveras ici : - Des vidéos inédites à regarder et garder pour tes petits enfants & pour l'Histoire - Des actualités (toujours fraîches même en été) - De l'information (pas toujours d'actualité mais en rapport souvent) - Du questionnement (pour se questionner) - De l'analyse (sans avoir à utiliser le petit gobelet) - De l'humour (à 37°C) Tu ne trouveras pas ici : - D'appels à la violence, à la haine, à un numéro surtaxé - De complotisme, de satanisme, de transhumanisme, et tout un tas de mots qui finissent en .isme - De développement personnel pour être champion en développé/couché - De conseils "beauté" pour concurrencer Loana - De conseils "minceur" ...idem - De formations pour devenir riche en 72h avec seulement 2€ d'apport, le tout pour 49€ tout rond au lieu de 1699,99€ (promotion à durée illimitée pendant 2h) Tu as lu jusqu'ici ? Alors j'espère que tu t'es abonné, activé les notifs & blablabla... Be ReAL

Trapping and Outdoor Content


About Trapping With Jinx: Join trapper Jinx on his trap line! Located in the beautiful state of Missouri. Trapper Jinx has been trapping since 2000 and has a vast array of trapping knowledge. His passion for the outdoors has led him to start a successful nuisance trapping business in 2007. Trapper Jinx has traveled all over the country learning about how to become a better trapper and successful business person. He holds many certifications, including certified Trapper Instructor for the state of Missouri and AAAC Certified Wildlife Professional. Jinx has also attended the "Kansas Canine Mastery Course" and "The LKL Trapping Experience" to further his Predator and Coyote trapping knowledge.

the Real Christian Music Channel 2


This channel was created for the intent to share Real Christian Music (RCM) with anyone who desires to hear it. (RCM) is mostly traditional hymns and acapella. My mission is to introduce and remind people what (RCM) is, for at this time this generation has turned WORLDly music in to so called "Christian Music", conforming their churches to it. This music is mostly self gratifying and self oriented, forgetting that all greatness and power comes from Jesus Christ alone, He Who\\\'s image we are to conform to. Hopefully we will learn to appreciate and enjoy this timeless Godly music. This channel was also started so that I, a Christian Mexican American conservative to give my take on the media, society and politics, while at the same time calling other Hispanic American conservatives to come out and speak for them selves. We should no longer allow the media, Hollywood or politicians speak for us, we must now; more than ever, be our own voice. Ephesians 5:19

reSource by Parasuniversal.com


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