Prepping America - Ready for Anything


Welcome to Prepping America - Ready for Anything. See in our show guests like off-grid experts, former Navy Seals, CIA counterintelligence specialists, and more. Prepping is more than stockpiling supplies; it's adopting a mindset prioritizing preparedness for any situation. Understand the psychological aspects of being a prepper and master essential survival skills like water purification. Learn to forage for wild edibles and navigate using maps, compasses, and GPS. Building your emergency kit is crucial. Discover effective food storage and rotation strategies, and ensure medical preparedness. Secure your home and develop self-defense strategies. Embrace sustainable living with off-grid solutions like solar power, water harvesting, and composting toilets. Learn to grow your own food through gardening and hydroponics. Financial preparedness is key for natural and man-made disasters. Develop strategies for different types of disasters. Stay ahead of trends in modern preparedness.

Live From Within - Live Soululaire


Hello and Welcome to Soululaire, where we want you to Live From Within., to live from the Soul-ular part of yourself. Jen Westlake, the founder of Soululaire has served as a Healer, Soul Coach and Ascension Assistant and Guide since 2010. After four Near Death Experiences, she took what she learned on the other side and created a step-by step education system that guides you in finding your purpose and leads you along the path towards the beautiful abundant life your are meant to live. Our goal is to help you reconnect to your Soul, your inner compass, to find wisdom that guides you along life's journey toward Ascension. We give you tools and techniques that help you maintain balance, harmony and strength during these challenging and transitionary times into the Golden Age of Love and Light.