Dorothy Rowe, Healer and Intutive Consultant


If you want to learn to heal yourself through energy healing, then you have come to the right place. I offer free energy healing for concerns in all areas of life, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, along with clear descriptions of the mechanics of the process. It is my goal to give you the resources to heal yourself. I provide tools for navigating the ocean of consciousness with ease, and techniques for effectively harnessing you inner healing potential. Thank you for joining me for the great undertaking of empowering everyone to master self healing, from the inside out.



The AMAZing Healing Session is the result of working with my Spiritual Family. They have said: “Everyone will be healed of everything, in time, if they are open to it.” All cells have their program changed for healing, all stem cells are activated, all stuck energy is removed, all trapped emotions are released, karma, trauma patterns, and the energy of the past are dropped, bad things in the Akashic records are released along with the Buzz. Much of this is negative stuff stored in your cells and I explain all.